On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:01 AM, JohnnyBGood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Google has done a great job when created internationalization support
> for GWT apps. Its i18n capabilities are however far from exhaustive.
> One of the features I'm missing most is a support of java.text.* JRE
> subpackage, more precisely it's java.text.Collator. I haven't found
> any possible solution of comparing strings in GWT, regarding locale-
> based rules (lexical Unicode based comparing used in String class of
> course doesn't do the job). Comparing (and sorting) strings with
> regard to international rules seem as being of essential importance to
> me, does anybody know anything about it's future (maybe planned)
> implementation in GWT? THX Jan.

I don't know anything about upcoming support for Collator.  My guess
is that it's not on the radar.  You may want to file an issue in the
bug tracker.

If you need something now, I suggest trying to port something from the
Apache Harmony project.  I have no idea how Collator is implemented so
I don't know if it's even feasible to port but, in theory, you just
need to borrow the code, remove bits that won't work with GWT, and add
the result to your project.  The Harmony project is already licensed
under the Apache license, so it's perfectly compatible with GWT and
closed-source products (of course, consult your lawyer for real legal
advice--I'm just an internet wacko).

There have been a number of posts to this forum about creating
libraries for use with GWT so you should be able to get pretty far
along if you decide to go this route, but feel free to ask again if
you get really stuck.  I'd guess that the hardest part of the plan
will be getting the code into a translatable-and-still-useful state
because Unicode-related stuff in Java usually involves compressed
binary tables of data and that approach isn't really compatible with
GWT.  The ultimate GWT port of Collator is probably going to involve
at least one generator, will nicely dovetail with the existing i18n
support, and doesn't waste bandwidth or execution time in code that
doesn't require Collator.  You could probably get a lot of mileage out
of a sub-optimal solution, though, so don't be afraid to jump in with
both feet.


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