The initial discussion was started here:

Is there any news on this topic? I have also faced this serious
problem during the development of my web site with ASP.NET. I have a
lot of checks for IE and its versions in the code.
For example, for all IE versions less than 9, which do not support CSS
border-radius, I have to put additional HTML elements with images
showing rounded borders.
And I have separate non-transparent images for IE 6 and transparent
for other versions. I do it this way in ASPX file:

.rounded_border {
    border:2px solid #CFCFCF;
    border-radius:<%= BorderRadius %>px;
    -moz-border-radius:<%= BorderRadius %>px;
    -webkit-border-radius:<%= BorderRadius %>px;
.rounded_border_tl, .rounded_border_tr, .rounded_border_bl, .rounded_border_br
    position: absolute;
    background-image:url(images/rounded_border<%= ((!IE6) ?
"_transparent" : "") %>.png);
    height: <%= BorderRadius %>px;
    width: <%= BorderRadius %>px;
<div id="account_box" class="rounded_border">
  <% if (IElt9) { %><div id="account_box_tl"
class="rounded_border_tl"></div><div id="account_box_tr"
class="rounded_border_tr"></div><% } %>
  <% if (IElt9) { %><div id="account_box_bl"
class="rounded_border_bl"></div><div id="account_box_br"
class="rounded_border_br"></div><% } %>

And in my code-behind C# I was setting these IE6 and IElt9 boolean
variables in the following way:

BrowserCaps = Request.Browser;
CurrentBrowser = BrowserCaps.Browser.ToLower();
IE6 = (CurrentBrowser == "ie") && (BrowserCaps.MajorVersion == 6);
IElt9 = (CurrentBrowser == "ie") && (BrowserCaps.MajorVersion < 9);

After I understood that people might install Chrome Frame with CSS3
support and in this case I should not have additional images, I've
changed my C#:

ChromeFrame = Request.UserAgent.ToLower().Contains("chromeframe");
IE6 = !ChromeFrame && (CurrentBrowser == "ie") &&
(BrowserCaps.MajorVersion == 6);
IElt9 = !ChromeFrame && (CurrentBrowser == "ie") &&
(BrowserCaps.MajorVersion < 9);

But this does not work in the situation when Chrome Frame is
installed, but BHO is disabled in IE/Tools/Manage Add-ons, because
this bloody UserAgent still contains "chromeframe"!!!

Should not this be fixed ASAP?

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