I'm not sure if this is your issue but the WEBINF directory should
have a dash ('-'): WEB-INF
Tomcat will look for the specific name and then look for the lib
directory under that.
On Nov 7, 9:28 am, Brandon Donnelson wrote:
> What I do is:
> If your not using the standalone ins
What I do is:
If your not using the standalone install:
1. Manually compile the project
2. Zip up the war directory and it should end up something like
(make sure the war directory is the root and not a folder in the zip file)
3. rename the war directory zip file to something like ROO
Hello Brandon,
The problem is that tomcat is trying to look for the file in a folder where
there is no jar that holds the servlet classes. My project name is
GWTWithJersey. The tomcat log shows me this error
GET /GWTWithJersey/gwtwithjersey/rest/hello HTTP/1.1" 404 1069
The jar files from the
Try checking the syslog or tomcat logs to see if there is class errors?
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I have managed to successfully integrate a Jersey REST service with a GWT
client and the application is running without any problems in the
deployment mode. However when I deploy the application on Tomcat, the
client is not able to find the jersey service, the path to which has been
specified i