
I'm trying to launch some hello world example using GWT and Liferay
(Portlet container). I decided to use Liferay Bundled with Tomcat 6.0.

Here are the details of solution I want to implement:

1. I'd like to attach code generated by GWT only once for the whole
portal. I figured it out that I can include common js code which can
be accessed by all portlets by creating portlet-ext.properties in
which I can attach extra js files by editing property
I did so, newly created configuration file is being loaded and
attached js code has been launched.

2. I deployed two independent portlets which can call simple JS
functions implemented in previously attached file.

Till now everything works fine and my next step is to attach gwt
generated js file. I copy all files generated by gwt to directory in
which there are all external js files, that is html/js. In my
configuration file I add gwt bootstrap file called
gwttestproject.nocache.js. Then when I reload application portal
nothing special happens. I tried to manually run the function
gwttestproject implemented in gwt bootstrap script and then whole page

Probably it's because bootstrap script I've mentioned about uses
document.write() method which causes whole document is being removed.
I've read, but I don't remember exactly where, that in future version
of GWT Google folks are going to change bootstrap script implentation
to aviod this kind of problem. I downloaded GWT 2.0.0-ms2 but
bootstrap didn't change.

Anyway, if you have any experience with integrating Liferay and GWT,
It would be great if you could drop here a line about your hacking :)

Best regards,

Janusz Prokulewicz
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