Usually, you can inspect the element in Firebug, and locate the CSS
file/line/classname that is affecting a given control.
You might have to watch what changes when you hover over the control.
Usually you can see a name being added and removed from the control's
class attribute when it changes styl
check * gwt.xml and remove code or
some thing like theme, you can create your own css style and inherit it .
From: Chris
To: Google Web Toolkit
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 7:26 PM
Subject: Menubar Sub-menu Arrows .
I currently building a
I currently building a website using GWT, with few panels and some CSS
styles .
I encountered a problem when i was building this menubar . On this
menubar's sub-menus, there's an arrow in the right side of the sub-
menus, and some background-color (or image?) that i cant change or get
rid o