Hola Gianluca
Yo estoy empezando a utilizar Firebird. No se si ya resolviste el problema,
pero yo estoy teniendo el mismo. Veo que el error es lanzado al momento de
asignar el driver:
* Class.forName(driverName).newInstance(); *
Ni siquiera pasa a realizar la conexión.
Tu encontraste alguna
So.. you're getting an empty array back from the server? I'm assuming you
actually have user data in your database.
When you say "console show me the name of driver", do you mean you're
getting an exception? Which exception?
Make sure the jdbc driver is located in the war/WEB-INF/lib dir..
On Thu
Hi all, i'm Gianluca and i start from a few week to study Google Web
In this days i'm trying to load a data from a FireBird Database. But i
have a problem, can't load!!!
Ok, if i create a projet in java , i can normally extract a data from
my database( creating connection with JDBC).