I encountered a couple of unexpected problems when I upgraded my
plugin for Eclipse (Helios) to v2.4 -- I finally got everything
resolved, but I thought it might be worth sharing my experience.

1)  The new plugin includes the ability to develop in GWT for Android
native apps, but this introduces a new and unexpected dependency
during the install:  you have to also install the ADT plugin  from
http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html (and then, in order
to use the ADT plugin if you so desire, you need to install and link
an Android SDK...).  However, the ADK Plugin site is not on the
standard software sources list for Eclipse, so you need to add it.
Well, actually, you can either add the ADK plugin software site (and
thus download and install the ADK plugin) or uncheck the Android GWT
package when you upgrade the GWT plugin (but then you can't compile to
native Android).  I tried both ways, and they both work.

2)  I had several projects which I had written using the GWT 2.3
plugin, and when I upgraded, they all started showing an error in
the .../war/WEB-INF/lib/ directory.  Oddly, I could still compile and
run everything, but there was always this nagging error flag.  It
turns out that the appengine JAR files in those directories weren't
updated as part of the upgrade.  The newer, v1.5.4 JAR files need to
replace the older, v1.5.2 JAR files.  I had to do this by hand.  I
discovered the problem by starting a new project and comparing the
contents of the directory with that in an older project.

I hope this helps other people deal with upgrade issues.

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