View remaining content of a full ocuupied window after resizing

2009-02-05 Thread aragorn
I have created a webpage which fits itself to the size of the browser window at start. Whenevr it resizes, I want to get a scrollbar which will help me navigate the entire page. I tried using CSS overflow property but that doesnt work as in i am not able to view all the contents. The scrollbar

Re: View remaining content of a full ocuupied window after resizing

2009-02-05 Thread gregor
Hi Aragorn, Enabling scrolling in Window class should give you main window scroll bars. Resizing the browser window can be difficult to get right, it depends on your application. If all your widgets are sized relatively in percentage terms then sometimes it works out OK automatically. If not you

Re: View remaining content of a full ocuupied window after resizing

2009-02-05 Thread sagar
Well I have not used WindowResizeListener in my code. Instead I have used CSS wherein i state the min-width and min-height for mu main window and whenever the window is resized beyond this minimum specification, a scrollbar appears. Also some of my widgets have their widths/heights in percentages