In Eclipse, go to Project / Properties menu. Go to Google / App
Engine / ORM setting. It probably is set to src/ (using this setting
DataNucleus puts all class files on its classpath). Instead restrict
the folders (or patterns) to just the folders or file name patterns
for your files that need enha
Tahnks guys, I have added to the existing issue (4395). Feel free to
let me know if you need anything else.
On Apr 7, 2:43 pm, Miguel Méndez wrote:
> FWIW, there is already an issue filed against the GWT Compile action in GPE.
> CreateProcess Error On GWT Compile With Long Classpath
> -http:/
FWIW, there is already an issue filed against the GWT Compile action in GPE.
CreateProcess Error On GWT Compile With Long Classpath - It uses
the same process launching infrastructure that the enhancer uses. Feel free
to add to i
I'm glad to hear you've got it working! Thanks for the details on your
workaround. There's one more thing that would be helpful, if you don't mind.
Could you open an issue to track this? If you could, please include a link
to this thread in the issue description and then post the issue numbe
OK, so in desparation, I went the whole hog and moved my SDK to "C:
\appengine-java-sdk-1.3.2" and w, its suddenly compiled
So there you have it folks, anyone reading this and seemingly only
ever finding someone saying "your classpath might be too long" may
find it helpful to
Just as an FYI, using Kathrins suggestion
(How to For Dummies: Select Debug view by going to "Window|Open
Perspective|Debug" and then select the debug window by going to
"Window|Show View|Debug" then right click the last item in the list
shown and select "properties")
The result I was getting fr
Just as an FYI, using Kathrins suggestion
(How to For Dummies: Select Debug view by going to "Window|Open
Perspective|Debug" and then select the debug window by going to
"Window|Show View|Debug" then right click the last item in the list
shown and select "properties")
The result I was getting fr
Just as an FYI, using Kathrins suggestion
(How to For Dummies: Select Debug view by going to "Window|Open
Perspective|Debug" and then select the debug window by going to
"Window|Show View|Debug" then right click the last item in the list
shown and select "properties")
The result I was getting fr
Thanks for all your hints and tips guys, I will have a go at trying to
figure out what to do from everything you have written although at the
moment it all sounds like double dutch to me (im not a "real"
programmer- just someone who has managed to learn everything ive
needed to do to get a web app
Thanks, Miguel!
John, I'd suggest trying to run
from the command line and see if you get the same error. See Enhancing Data
Classes at the docs URL Miguel provided. And you should be able to get the
classpath that Eclipse constructs from your project's b
You are right. It won't show up there since we don't create a launch
configuration for enhancement. Basically, we launch the enhancer as
described in"Enhancing
Data Classes" section. The problem could be the length of the
@Kathrin - That is a really useful feature. But I don't think the Enhancer
is going to show up in that list since it's run in the background by the
plugin, rather than being launched by the user.
@Miguel&Keith - Do either of you have greater insight into the DataNucleus
Enhancer and what paramete
In eclipse, if you go to the Debug view and right-click on the task (under
debug, it might say "". If you go to Properties, it'll show
the classpath that was actually run.
I'm not sure this helps, but it's happened to me before that I changed
something that messed with the classpath in eclipse, a
I was thinking of libraries on the classpath rather than source files. But I
don't even know for a fact that the DataNucleus Enhancer uses the project's
buildpath. That's something the GPE folks would know.
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 4:28 PM, John V Denley wrote:
> Yes, Isaac, this is something I h
Yes, Isaac, this is something I have seen elsewhere, but I use eclipse
and I have no idea how to find out how long my classpath is..
As far as I can tell all my java files are in :
C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\_DeBa\ideba\iDeBanet\src
(I have 12 *.java file
This may be completely out of left field, but has your classpath grown
recently? I've known java/javaw to fail due to excessively long classpaths.
Even just moving files up a few directories can make the difference.
- Isaac
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 12:18 PM, John V Denley
> Im on the
Im on the train now... hoping my connection holds up, but just incase
it helps, I have now rolled back to a version of the code that I
comiled and deployed successfully last night, and Im still getting
this error, so something else has changed, and its not me thats
changed it... this must be someth
What is this message telling me?
'DataNucleus Enhancer' has encountered a problem
Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" (in
directory "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\_DeBa\ideba
\iDeBanet"): CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect
Cannot run program
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