On Dec 15, 5:20 am, Bhaswanth Gattineni <> wrote:
> Hi , I need to implement file download .I don't want give any server
> side file urls to download directly .I created a servlet which will
> open the file and write it to stream of response.Now coming to front
> gwt i have onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response)
> which will be called on receiving the response .Now how to proceed
> further? .My operation required is ,file in stream should be
> downloaded to client computer.(like similar to rapidshare) gwd code
> should automatically trigger the download without user intervention of
> clicking the link or anything .
> can one help me regarding this ?
>  Im new to this GWT.but as per my knowledge if i use this
> RequestBuilder .then file object will be cached and sent instead of
> streaming i guess.Please correct me if im wrong.If its wrong.what can
> be the best way to do this functionality ?

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