We have HTML mockups that have their own custom css style sheets. We are
trying to reuse them as much as we can. Wherever there is dynamic data, we
replace them with <div> tags, and the GWT service onModule() would push
dynamic content into these div tags. Is this a normal approach? I am a
newbie to  GWT and want to make sure I am not doing something terribly

Some of the issue that I am facing

- For the page xyz.html, we have xyz.css (as external style sheet).
Somehow this css is always pushed back in priority and other style sheets
(like Standard.css from GWT, ext-all.css from GwtExt+ExtJS, etc) always
get higher priority. How do I make sure xyz.css to have the highest
priority ? Or, is it riskier to override third party style sheets like
ext-all.css? They define some styles at elements like <body> which creates
undesirable effects in the look and feel.

- there is option to call .setStyle() on each GWT widget, but then our
style sheet that came with mockup is so huge and most of the styles do not
have class ids, they are just defined for HTML elements like <BODY>,
<select>, etc and we do not want to override those default settings. It
would be cleaner if we can avoid calling individual setStyle on each

- Is there any good article that discusses about css issues with GWT? Can
somebody please point out any web link?

- ExtJS seems to override the HTML body tag with their css styles like
ext-gecko. How do I deal with this? Strangely, I could not find much info
by googling.

Any help is highly appreciated.

~ regards,
Karthik Karuppannan

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