We wrote a small test case with this::foo, but did not see any problems.

Could you provide more details so that we can reproduce the bug?

Did you run with the latest trunk? We just fixed a bug in GwtAstBuilder and 
we guess that it might be a possible cause to the bug in method reference.

On Friday, February 13, 2015 at 6:47:29 AM UTC-8, Ali Akhtar wrote:
> In a project, when I do the following:
> SomeClass.someMethod( this::handleResult);
> I get :  com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: Exception caught: 
> (ReferenceError) : xFf_g$ is not defined
> But when I replace the above line with:
> SomeClass.someMethod( r-> handleResult(r) );
> That works fine. 
> It appears that the use of 'this' is causing some issues due to 
> javascript's crappiness. Other method references work fine, I only 
> encounter this when I use this::methodName

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