Revision: 6959
Date: Tue Nov 17 11:30:04 2009
Log: Formatting problem


--- /wiki/       Tue Nov 17 11:29:08 2009
+++ /wiki/       Tue Nov 17 11:30:04 2009
@@ -151,6 +151,4 @@
    * !HtmlUnit does not attempt to emulate authentic browser layout.  
Consequently, tests that are sensitive to browser layout are very likely to  
fail. However, since GWTTestCase supports other methods of running tests,  
such as Selenium, that do support accurate layout testing, it can still  
make sense to keep layout-sensitive tests in the same test case as  
non-layout-sensitive tests. If you want such tests to be ignored  
by !HtmlUnit, simply annotate the test methods with  
@!DoNotRunWith({Platform.!HtmlUnit}). Versions of Google Plugin for Eclipse  
prior to 1.2 will only allow you to add GWT release directories that  
include a file with a name like `gwt-dev-windows.jar`. You can fool it by  
sym linking or copying gwt-dev.jar to the appropriate name.
    * The way arguments are passed to the GWT testing infrastructure has  
been revamped. There is now a consistent syntax to support arbitrary "run  
styles", including user-written, with no changes to GWT itself. For  
example, `-selenium FF3` has become `-runStyle selenium:FF3`. This change  
likely does not affect typical test invocation scripts, but if you do use  
`-Dgwt.args` to pass arguments to GWTTestCase, be aware that you may need  
to make some changes.
    * When using !ClientBundle, be aware that images using alpha  
transparency do not appear transparent in IE6. The Mail sample application  
included in the GWT distribution currently suffers from this limitation  
(that is, the images have opaque backgrounds when viewed on IE6).
-  * Users of the Google Plugin for Eclipse that are running Google App  
Engine projects in development mode may see errors like "Unable to find
-'myApp.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you
-forgot to include a classpath entry for source?". This is due to an  
unfortunate interaction between weak references to module definitions and  
garbage collection kicked off by the App Engine.
+  * Users of the Google Plugin for Eclipse that are running Google App  
Engine projects in development mode may see errors like "Unable to  
find'myApp.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot  
to include a classpath entry for source?". This is due to an unfortunate  
interaction between weak references to module definitions and garbage  
collection kicked off by the App Engine.


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