End this email below is what it looks like when I run the compiler on a
modified Hello sample using the default compiler log level. How is the
signal-to-noise ratio? I think it's not great.

A few areas for improvement:

- Lower the log level for "Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC"; seems
like this should be TRACE, since they don't actually have info that is
really context-relevant; it's more telling you what code path the compiler
itself is following; it might seem more useful if it listed the file name.

- Maybe get rid of ""Done"; the presence of subsequent outdented logs should
make it clear enough that the preceding step has finished

- Lower the log level of permutation timings to INFO

- Decide how to make the permutation counting look like it makes sense; in
particular, specifying "<I> of <N>", you expect the indices to range 1..N
rather than 0..(N-1). Every time I see that last mesage "8 of 9" I keep
feeling disappointed that I never see "9 of 9" :-)

- Lower the log level of the "Linking" subtree, and specify what "war"
directory is being linked into, such as "Linking into war at

Also, on another note, when you run the compiler with -treeLogger, we still
get some console noise that looks like this:

Permutation took 516 ms

Permutation took 284 ms

Permutation took 187 ms

Permutation took 147 ms

Permutation took 196 ms

Permutation took 131 ms

Permutation took 177 ms

Permutation took 140 ms

Permutation took 134 ms

I think we have a stray System.out?

In the end, it seems like the default log level ought to produce treelogger
output that looks like this:

Compiling module com.google.gwt.sample.hello.Hello

Compilation succeeded -- 6.889s

Arguably, it should even be silent unless there's a problem.

Thoughts? Anyone eager to write a patch for changes along these lines?

-- Bruce

=== Actual log below ===

Compiling module com.google.gwt.sample.hello.Hello

   Compiling 9 permutations

   Worker permutation 0 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 294 ms

   Worker permutation 1 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 291 ms

   Worker permutation 2 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 197 ms

   Worker permutation 3 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 154 ms

   Worker permutation 4 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 198 ms

   Worker permutation 5 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 194 ms

   Worker permutation 6 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 184 ms

   Worker permutation 7 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 145 ms

   Worker permutation 8 of 9

      Creating Split Point Map file for SOYC


Permutation took 131 ms

      Permutation compile succeeded

Linking into war

   Link succeeded

   Compilation succeeded -- 6.889s


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