We use GWT as web client technology for enterprise J2EE system (EJB,
JAAS, ...) which is also capable to offer swing client GUI via java-

Our aim is to make development simple (because of the size of
project)- to use the same code for the same thing in all parts of the
code. But nowadays different localization concepts makes us headache,
because for functionality X for which is accessible from swing client
and also from (web) client we need to use the same resource bundle.
The same resource bundle is required also on server side (EJB
stateless bean) where we generate image of the chart (jfreechart) with
the legend which should be also localized.

So we have property files:

then interfaces which extends gwt.i18.Constants and Messages which
should be in the same package:
interface SuperFunX extends Constants {
String title();

But For Swing and server localization we have to use different
interfaces  which extends our own localization interfaces with the
same concept as it is in GWT (pairing method name with key of resource
bundle is very elegant way how to have check in compile time for
matching if keys exists, we get this localization concept from GWT):

interface SuperFunXResourceBundle extends LocaleResourceConstants{
String title();

where LocaleResourceConstants is our interface similar to

So now the code for receiving localized text looks like:

1) in GWT

2) In Swing and server it is:
or for specific locale
or for runtime key value:

Reason why we do not want to use GWT interfaces (Constants,
ConstantsWithLookup, Message) is that we do not want to make
dependency on GWT (gwt-servlet.jar or gwt.user.jar) for every module
where localization is used.

Our problem is that managing in synch two interfaces for growing
number of resource bundles (currently approx. 250) and usage both of
them for the same thing in different modules causes seamless effort.
Also we cannot use e.g. the same validation logic (one class) for all
environments (gwt, swing, server) which returns localized error-
message - using one interface and one factory for creation of
localized text.

Solution which will be acceptable consists of:

1) the ability to define any interface to be treated as "Constants,
Messages, ConstantsWithLookup" in .gwt.xml file, or to make GWT-
localization-generator extensible to define new interfaces to be to be
treated as "Constants, Messages, ConstantsWithLookup".
2) the possibility for usage of the same factory class for creation of
resource bundles. This will be partially solved by
http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=2243 but
we need in some way to easily define different implementation of the
same class (LocaleResourceFactory) for GWT and for normal J2SE



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