
With GWT 2.1.1, I made a novice-mistake in the declaration of a
serializable object : I forgot the mandatory zero-arg constructor.
This object is used in RPC exchange between the GWT client and the

In runtime I got an ugly
"com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationException Unexpected
error..."  message.
After digging and debugging during one full day into a.o. the GWT-
generated-javascript and trying other ways to exchange my data (while
many other objects are correctly transfered to and from the
server...), I finally made a change that suddenlly produced a compiler
mesage saying explicitly that the zero-arg constructor is missing.

My question is : why in only one case the error message is produced,
and not in my all other trials ? This is very frustrating :-)

The case where the compiler produces the error message is when I
create an explicit RPC method passing explicitly the object in

While all other cases where the compiler does not produce the error
message, are when the object is passed as a parameter of a common
method usgin a parent class param signature.


class MyBadObject extends ParentObject {
// missing zero-arg contructor
// but has constructor with arg !

class ParentObject implements Serializable { ... }

1) The case producing the compiler message:

MyService extends RemoveService {
   public void myRPCSpecificMethod(MyBadObject param);

2) The case where the compiler error message does not give any
message :

MyService extends RemoveService {
   public void myRPCCommonMethod(ParentObject param);

and the method is called with a new MyBadObject(...) param value.

A simple compiler warning message saying : "Did you forgot the zero-
arg constructor in this serializable sub-class ?" would have been very
usefull. (I am using the INFO loglevel compiler param, thus I get all
ERROR and WARN messages).

Altough I am using GWT 2.1.1, I did not see this correction in the
release notes until GWT 2.3

Thanks for your comments


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