What are the technical hurdles that would prevent a widget from
employing multiple UiBinder templates to create discrete Widget

Specifically, I want to build a Composite that includes, among other
things, a PopupPanel. I want to use UiBinder to declare the overall
layout, as well as the layout of the structure within the PopupPanel,
but the PopupPanel cannot be in the main layout (or it will be
attached, and not "popup").

Unlike the sample code in the documentation (http://code.google.com/
webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideUiBinder.html#Apply_different_xml) which
applies different templates to the same structure, I want completely
different structures, such that both templates would not contain the
same set of @UiField elements.

Thus exists the problem: the compiler is confused about which fields
belong to which binder, and so it won't work.

Is my only choice to externalize my nested structure in the PopupPanel
to another class?


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