
This thread follows this one (http://groups.google.com/group/Google-
Web-Toolkit-Contributors/msg/582cfe33f17deab3), so please read it
before this one.

To make Google App Engine and GWT work together (in adapter4appengine
project), I had to modify the RPC serialization code.
My first goal was to add *clean extension points*, to allow any third
library developer to tune RPC serialization according to his needs. Of
course, I used it to develop a DataNucleus adapter, and plan to port
Hibernate one as well.

The idea is to allow 2 kinds of extension points :
     - ISerializationFilter, that indicates if a specific field of a
class should be serialized or not. It is called for serialization
signature computation and for each object serialization
         * Typical use : used to remove new fields from enhancement
     - ISerializationTransformer, that can change a object instance
from one type to another one
         * Typical use : used to turn persistent collection back to
regular one

A first step has been implemented in adapter4appengine library. It
only needs change for 4 existing classes (RPC, SerializabilityUtil,
ServerSerializationStreamReader and ServerSerializationStreamWriter).

A next step would be to read filters and transformers from the gwt.xml
file (currently, they are set by code in EngireRemoteServlet class).

I would *really* love to see this code integrated in official GWT
release, since it would be a pain for me to do the same fixes every
time a new GWT release is out (as I still have to do it since GWT 1.4
for Hibernate4GWT/Gilead because issue 1291 is opened without result
since 2 years :-( ).

My 2 cents

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