
The code in FocusImplOld has been a great source of consternation for some
time now. It's probably never going to be possible to fix every bug that
crops up as a result of the ugly hidden input it creates, and I'm starting
to believe it causes more problems than it solves.

What problems does it solve? Making an arbitrary element (usually a div)
focusable on the old mozilla browser (used solely by Linux hosted mode,
which is now gone) and on Safari <= 3. For some reason, WebKit took a
surprisingly-long time to make divs focusable, and Safari 3 shipped with
such a WebKit.

What I'd like to propose is that we drop support for focusable divs on
Safari 3 (note that this would not affect Safari 4, or any version of
Firefox, IE or Chrome). The net effect would be that widgets which use
FocusImpl (e.g., Tree) would silently fail to focus on Safari 3 (also note
that this would not affect anything extending FocusWidget, which is the
superclass for most naturally-focusable widgets).

The following are GWT issues likely related to this:
- 1313, 1471, 1790, 2072, 2590, 3252, 3355, 3363

Thoughts? I think it would be a net win, would simplify the code base, and
would affect an infinitesimally small (I hope) set of users.



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