----- Forwarded Message ----
From: bakri arbie <daya...@yahoo.com>
To:Bp Markus Wauran ; Ali Herman ; Imam Fachruddin ; Dr.Arnold Soetrisnanto ; 
Dr.Ferhat Azis ; Dr.Syahril ; hast...@ristek.go.id; Noor Agus Salim ; 
institut-energi-nuk...@googlegroups.com; Chairul Hudaya 
<www.nuklir.i...@gmail.com>; Alim Tarigan ; Pak Pinem ; 
rahakund...@yahoo.co.uk; Omar Trigantara ; Razif Halik ; Bp Eddie Lembong ; 
arbie bakri 
Cc: Bp Budi Sudarsono <budi_sudars...@yahoo.com>; Bp Sutaryo Supadi 
<ster...@cbn.net.id>; Soekarno <ssuy...@bit.net.id>; Dr.Sofyan Yatim 
<sofya...@batan.go.id>; soedardjo batan <soedardjoba...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 1:41:55 PM
Subject: Fw: Emerging Technologies Thursday Update (04/29/2010)

Yth Rekan milis,

Berdasarkan info dari Technology Review, MIT,Cina saat ini sedang konstruksi 22 
unit PLTN.
Total produksi listrik 23 GWe dari nuklir yang sedang dibangun ini.
Cina mempunyai berbagai jenis PLTN yang sedang dibangun, yang sudah dibangun 
adalah buatan Prancis, Canada, Rusia dan buatan lokal.
Tidak ada data komposisi jenis PLTN yang sedang dibangun saat ini,namun semua 
sumber dipakai yaitu hydro,solar,wind dan nuklir.
Terima kasih.

Salam Hormat,
Bakri Arbie.

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To: daya...@yahoo.com
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 12:04:10 PM
Subject: Emerging Technologies Thursday Update (04/29/2010)

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 Emerging Technologies
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April 29, 2010
 China Cleans Up
by Peter Fairley
China is adding nuclear, hydroeletric, wind and solar power at an unrivaled 
Concentrated Solar Set to Shine
by Phil McKenna
Large investment could jump-start concentrated photovoltaic deployments. 
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 Pigs Offer Cystic Fibrosis Clues
by Jennifer Chu
Genetically modified pigs offer clues to the disease's early development.
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Microsoft reaches licensing deal on HTC phones Associated Press 
Jury in Palin e-mail case resumes deliberations Associated Press   
HP to Acquire Palm for $1.2 Billion by Erica Naone 
Cape Wind Farm Finally Approved by Kevin Bullis 
The Search for the Sun's Long Lost Siblings by kfc 
Augmented-Reality Floor Tiling by Kristina Grifantini 
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