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From: bakri arbie <daya...@yahoo.com>
To: rahakund...@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Mon, July 12, 2010 4:39:17 PM
Subject: Negotiation Strategies,reference OCW, MIT EDU

Negotiation Strategies dalam rangka menggolkan IDE tentang apa saja;misalnya 
tentang ALIH FUNGSI HUTAN  atau A-SINTA/atau isu Nuklir;
Beberapa saran penting;
-Knowing your interest;substantive and relationship,
-Trying to understand other interests,
-Analysing sources of power available to all parties,but not paralyzed by it,
-Thinking about options,
-Understanding your personal style,strength and weaknesses,
-Knowing your BATNA; Best Alternatives to Negotiated Agreement.

It can be helpful if;
-Surfaced early,used to identify underlying interests.
-Focused on interests and problem,not people/personify the problem,
-Used to broaden alternatives and address interests of all stakeholders,
-Used to improve relationships,
-Modern conflict resolution are applied skilfully.

Demikian teknik negosiasi yang  disarankan oleh Sloan School  of Management,MIT.
Semoga sukses.
Demikian sedikit uraian tentang negosiasi dalam "Conflict Management".
Semoga bermanfaat.


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