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From: Satrio Arismunandar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 7:01 PM
Subject: [NaratamaTV] TV News: Bekas prajurit Israel jadi Chief of Staff
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], HMI Kahmi Pro Network <
ppiindia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, pantau <
naratama naratama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Described in Israeli media as "Our man in the White House"
Obama picks ex-Israeli soldier as chief of staff

Dubai (AlArabiya.net, Agencies)
President-elect Barack Obama has asked Illinois congressman and former
soldier in the Israeli army, Rahm Emanuel to head his White House staff
as he moves quickly to fill government jobs in his incoming

Party sources said the job was offered to fellow Chicagoan Emanuel on
Wednesday, just hours after Obama was elected, and he was expected to
quickly accept the post -- making him one of the most important people
of Obama's new inside circle.

Emanuel volunteered to serve in the Israeli army and did a two-month
stint at a base in northern Israel during the 1991 Gulf War, Israeli
public radio reported.
radio stations and newspapers pointed out Emanuel's Occupied
Jerusalem-born father was once a member of Irgun, an underground,
ultra-nationalist Jewish movement that fought British troops before the
1948 creation of the state of Israel.

A former Clinton adviser, Emanuel has a reputation of being a master
strategist. But he has also been viewed as a highly partisan fighter in
the rough world of Washington politics.

"I am a man who has been called temperamental, vindictive, foulmouthed
and mean. And that's just my mom bragging about me," he said in a
self-deprecating speech at an annual dinner held by Washington
journalists last year.

Republicans questioned if Emanuel could pull off Obama's goal of
bringing congressional Democrats and Republicans together to end
gridlock and approve major legislation -- a key element of Obama's
campaign appeal.

Emanuel served in the Clinton administration and helped engineer the
2006 Democratic takeover of the House, ending 12 years of Republican

He has strong ties to Obama's inner circle through his close friendship
with the president-elect' s top political strategist, David Axelrod.
Axelrod had done political consulting work for Emanuel.
Israeli media hails decision
media on Thursday hailed Barack Obama's choice of Rahm Emanuel to be
his chief of staff, with one daily calling the Democrat of Israeli
descent "our man in the White House."

"It is obvious he will exert influence on the president to be
pro-Israeli, " Emanuel's father, who moved to the United States in the
1960s, told the Maariv daily.

The newspaper headlined the article: "Our man in the White House."

"Emanuel is pro-Israeli, and would not be willing to consider accepting
the job unless he was convinced that President-elect Obama is
pro-Israel" Israeli website Ynet, cited a source close to Emanuel as
As White House chief of staff, Emanuel would serve as gatekeeper to Obama,
deciding who has access to the Oval Office.

The duties of the position vary from administration to administration,
but generally the chief of staff serves as the president's top adviser,
plays a major role in selection of the president's appointees, and
manages other White House officials. He would help plan the president's

While seen as a tough guy, Emanuel, 48, also has an artistic side as seen by
the fact that he once studied ballet.

He was elected to the House in 2002 from Obama's hometown of Chicago and
quickly moved into leadership.

After Democrats won back the House, Emanuel was elected as chairman of
the Democratic Caucus, making him the party's fourth-ranking member in
the chamber.

Obama, who will be sworn in as president on January 20, is moving quickly to
put together his new administration.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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