Dear Friends,

As I've mentioned in the past, Mail Archive is alive and well in most
respects. The one exceptions is customer support, for which I am
regretfully and woefully behind.

The service is hosted in the United States, and you might have heard
about an upcoming election in this country. There is a chance that
this may include confusion, chaos, and especially disinformation. If
such things reach our tiny corner of the internet, please tell me so I
can take whatever action is necessary.

I want to say something else about this election. Back when dinosaurs
roamed the earth and I was a teenager, I was full of questions. One
thing that confused me was the idea of hate crimes. If someone does
something bad, the penalty is usually more severe if it is part of a
hate crime. Why? If it was murder, the victim is equally dead either
way. How could this possibly be fair?

Eventually, I decided that people are naturally susceptible to us
vs. them thinking. I am Jewish, with a German last name. So for me, I
think back to World War II. What we now call hate crimes was once
mainstream thinking. I think we made these laws to be extra
vigilant against falling back into that trap.

It is reasonable for people in a society to disagree on things. Where
money goes, and how much. What people should be allowed to do, and
what they should not. But what is not okay? Division. Hate. Blame.

In recent years I feel like I'm caught up in all of that. And so are
my friends, family and loved ones. It's stressful and embarrassing at
the same time. I am ashamed for myself, and for everyone else who has
spiraled down into this hole. I want to heal, I want to help, I want to
and work together instead of against. I hope you do too.

Please vote.

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