#473: PCORnet CDMv3 SAS Readiness
 Reporter:  lv         |       Owner:  lv
     Type:  task       |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major      |   Milestone:  data-domains3
Component:  data-stds  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:             |  Blocked By:  381, 486
 Blocking:             |

Comment (by lv):

 Update from the Coordinating Center

 From: Darcy Louzao, Ph.D. [mailto:darcy.lou...@duke.edu]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:22 AM
 To: Verhagen, Laurel A
 Cc: James Topping; Laura Qualls; Michael Park
 Subject: Diagnostic Query for March 14th

 Please note that we plan to send the diagnostic query to the following
 sites this Monday, March 14th. Please let me know if that is a problem.
 For all additional information, please check the timeline here:

 C4 GPC (U of Nebraska)
 C4 GPC (UT San Antonio)
 C4 GPC (University of Kansas)
 C4 GPC (University of Iowa)
 C4 GPC (UW Madison)
 C4 GPC (Children's Mercy)
 C4 GPC (Med Coll Wisconsin)
 C4 GPC (U of Minnesota AHC)

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