#157: CMD 2.x review: outpatient medication dispense etc.
 Reporter:  dconnolly  |       Owner:  huhickman
     Type:  task       |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major      |   Milestone:
Component:  data-stds  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:             |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:             |
Changes (by dconnolly):

 * cc: ngraham, jcampbell (removed)
 * cc: gpc-dev@… (added)
 * owner:  dconnolly => huhickman
 * status:  new => assigned


 Hubert, would you please go over the notes of our discussion with Jim C.
 and re-assign this to him?

   - [http://listserv.kumc.edu/pipermail/gpc-dev/2014q3/000517.html gpc-dev
 23 Sep meeting notes for review]

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