#254: Weight and Health survey cohort: prepare contact information and submit
deidentified data (all sites)
 Reporter:  sschlacter      |       Owner:  bzschoche
     Type:  task            |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major           |   Milestone:  obesity-survey-def
Component:  data-sharing    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  obesity-cohort  |  Blocked By:  249, 250, 252, 253
 Blocking:  379             |

Old description:

> Collect reports of successful deployment of survey trackers (each site)
> where successful deployment involves identifying a cohort (dry run: #252)
> and preparing contact info using tracker tools #253.
> ''Dan, reporting based on discussion with Alex''

New description:

 Collect reports of successful deployment of survey trackers (each site)
 where successful deployment involves
  - identifying a cohort
    - details in attachment:"GPC Obesity Query v1.3.pdf​"​ of 16 Jun (dry
 run: #252)
  - preparing contact info (using tracker tools #253) and deploying the
  - submitting SQLite file of the de-id obesity data
    - [https://redcap.gpcnetwork.org/surveys/?s=7PM9CXMEXX de-identified
 data collection survey form]
 study team access]
    - [http://listserv.kumc.edu/pipermail/gpc-dev/2015q3/001954.html Aug 10


Comment (by dconnolly):

 - revising summary to match current work
  - clarifying description

Ticket URL: 
gpc-informatics <http://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/>
Greater Plains Network - Informatics
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