Hi all,

in parallel to the wxGUI refactoring which hopefully will enable the
creation of the single window user interface for GRASS, we can discuss
the single window from the user point of view.

There were already some discussion on GRASS wiki [1] but the
discussion about development should be placed at Trac wiki [2]. (I
believe that GRASS wiki should not contain ideas what to develop and
the mailing list is not good to store ideas.)

Although there is no time schedule [3], we can have clear idea what we
want from the single window. For example, do we need multiple
map(windows)s? If yes, should be possible to see more than one map at
the time? What will switch between these multiple maps? Should the new
GUI replace the old one? ... Before we start to create this new
interface we should know how the GUI and each component should behave.

I think that we can take advantage of the fact that we already have
the GUI (and even GrassCatalog GUI) so we have clear idea what is
needed and can focus on details. By the way, I would like to avoid the
terms MDI and SDI since it is not clear what they mean and I would
prefer the description of behavior. For now I call the new GUI just
"single window (gui)".

Please post your proposals and images to the Trac wiki page [2].


[1] http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxGUI#General_GUI_Design
[2] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/wxGUIDevelopment/SingleWindow
[3] I really don't know when it will be possible to implement the
single window gui without duplicating a lot of code. The main problem
is of course the limited time of wxGUI developers.
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