Hi All,

after the great Google summer of code experience i'm continuing to work on the 

Unlucky i received no feedback about the "planetsasha" application [1]
so i guess nobody has tried it ...
maybe it has too much dependence (pygame, pyserial, pyqt, scipy) 
and ossim-ossimplanet didn't had an official binary packages for linux.
or maybe  "planetsasha" is not so attractive :-(

But now we have a ossim+ossimplanet binary package avaiable for ubuntu karmic 
to install simply run :

cat >>/etc/apt/sources.list <<EOS
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu karmic main 
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu karmic 
apt-get update
apt-get install ossim-bin ossimplanet

also debiangis has a package for ossim (but it doesn't include yet the Qt 
application and ossimplanet)

i really need feedbak about what i'm doing 
so i decided to simplify the code porting part of the code to run under grass 
as a python script.
the first script is "r.planet.py" it is avaiable here :


it shoul'd works like "d.rast / d.erase" command in grass tcltk
but it uses the "ossimplanet's canvas", instead of an X monitor.

usage :

r.planet map=mapname -a  (add a raster map to ossimplanet and zoom to it extent)
r.planet map=mapname -r (remove a rasrer map from ossimplanet)

[1] http://web.me.com/epiesasha/PlanetSasha/Project.html

shoul'd be cool if anyone is itersted to work together to port in wx-python
what i did using pyqt.

thanks for any comments.

happy end-year to All,


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