Re: [GRASS-dev] v.external with PostGIS and categories issue

2014-05-15 Thread Blumentrath, Stefan
Hi again, I saw some sentences were a bit incomplete, sorry for that. The point is: d.vect mytable_grass where="id=21" returns the record where the attribute "id" has the value 20, cat has value 18 and the internal GRASS id has the value 19 and Furthermore: d.vect mytable_grass where="name='f

[GRASS-dev] v.external with PostGIS and categories issue

2014-05-15 Thread Blumentrath, Stefan
Hi, I am having problems with a PostGIS table containg points linked into GRASS using v.external. Here is what I did: v.external dsn=PG:dbname=mydb layer=mytable output=mytable_grass --o v.db.addcolumn mytable_grass col="mycolumn double precision" v.what.rast map=mytable_grass raster=myraster co