Hey Mate,
you know, simple dipping surfaces are easy, r.plane will do the job,
but _complex_ dipping surfaces (like real faults) are still a work in
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 21:00, Paulo Marcondes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/9/10 Carlos Guâno Grohmann <[EMAIL PROTEC
Moritz Lennert wrote:
> There is a fundamental difference between the PostGIS format
> which is non-topological and the internal GRASS format which is
> topological and which, thus, does not really allow for overlapping
> polygons. You can digitize them, but they are not really useful...
> > I w
2008/9/10 Carlos Guâno Grohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks Soren, I got the effect I wanted in Paraview, using the "linear
> extrusion" filter.
Hey pal,
does that method allows for representation of dipping surfaces?
You know you should think about that too =]
Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:42:12PM +0200, we recorded a bogon-computron
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> Hi grass users,
> i'm trying to export a grass vector and generate a shapefile using
> v.out.ogr. the vector contains 4 points and 6 boundaries each has its
> o
Silvia Simoni wrote:
> Hi grass users,
> i'm trying to export a grass vector and generate a shapefile using
> v.out.ogr. the vector contains 4 points and 6 boundaries each has its
> own centroids.
> the output shapefile contains 4 objects out of 10. WHY? How can I get
> all the objects?
> (i
Hi grass users,
i'm trying to export a grass vector and generate a shapefile using
v.out.ogr. the vector contains 4 points and 6 boundaries each has its
own centroids.
the output shapefile contains 4 objects out of 10. WHY? How can I get
all the objects?
(i created the vector using v.patc
Thanks Soren, I got the effect I wanted in Paraview, using the "linear
extrusion" filter.
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 04:54, "Sören Gebbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Carlos,
> how about using v.delaunay?
> If you have two lines for each fault, you can triangulate the space in
On 10/09/08 16:25, gridcell wrote:
What I have been currently doing is...
1) v.in.ogr (import only geometry column from postgresql/postgis)
2) v.clean
3) v.out.ogr (layer 2)
4) In postgresql I run a point in polygon (PIP) on the table created in step
5) Use the ST_Contains function with the or
> I need to create countour... so, I think, I must interpolate a surface from
> this points making something like a DEM, and after, interpolate the
> contours... Is this correct?
In addition to IDW, you can use RST for interpolate points and
generate a raster surface.
First all, set appropi
On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Raphael Saldanha wrote:
I need to create countour... so, I think, I must interpolate a surface from
this points making something like a DEM, and after, interpolate the
contours... Is this correct?
Sounds like a good approach.
Now, I'm trying to interpolate a suface
2008/9/10 Raphael Saldanha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have a shapefile loaded in grass, as a 3D Vector:
> And a column, named "Elevation":
You don't need that, define layer=0 to use z-coordinates directly.
Martin Landa * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
What I have been currently doing is...
1) v.in.ogr (import only geometry column from postgresql/postgis)
2) v.clean
3) v.out.ogr (layer 2)
4) In postgresql I run a point in polygon (PIP) on the table created in step
5) Use the ST_Contains function with the original ("dirty") table to create
I have a shapefile loaded in grass, as a 3D Vector:
| Mapset:
| Location:
Agustin Diez Castillo wrote:
> I've never thought of this like a MacOS problem but maybe it is.
nope, generic.
> This does NOT work in grass:
> r.in.wms -l mapserver=http://www.idee.es/wms/PNOA/PNOA srs=EPSG:23030 \
> format=geotiff wmsquery=version=1.1.1 maxcols=1024 \
> maxrows=1024 'wgetop
On 10/09/08 05:09, gridcell wrote:
I was wondering if there is a way to perform the following:
1) Import a table from PostGIS (geometry and attributes)
2) Clean the geometry (example: overlapping polygons)
3) Export the geometry back to PostGIS (topology layer, no
I got an similar error message like Wes Kent (Janurary 2008).
I use the SRTM-Data (90m) and merge with r.patch 6 tiles. So I have ca
180.000.000 cells.
Without the -m flag the process crashed immediatly. So I set this and get the
I've never thought of this like a MacOS problem but maybe it is.
This does NOT work in grass:
r.in.wms -l mapserver=http://www.idee.es/wms/PNOA/PNOA srs=EPSG:23030
format=geotiff wmsquery=version=1.1.1 maxcols=1024 maxrows=1024
'wgetoptions=-c -t 5 -nv' 'curloptions=-C - --retry 5 -s -S'
Hi Gabriele,
using r.mapcalc and the @-operator within the calculation you have access to the
labels, but in IF statements it works only on labels that starts with a number
(int vals). So looking for a string is not possible.
But why not using the cats or int labels(with @) in mapcalc, then asigni
Ciao Christian, Ciao Miltinho
I tried r.cross and is useful. The problem however is that you may need to
concatenate values other than categories (eg .. values with letters A, B, C.
..). In addition, I am working with a script in BASH within a cycle and maps
(equal to counter '$ i') are always mo
Hi Carlos,
how about using v.delaunay?
If you have two lines for each fault, you can triangulate the space in between.
But im not sure if this works with vertical lines.
If you export those lines to VTK, you can triangulate vertical planes
with the VTK delaunay triangulator in ParaView.
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