>From a comment on line 74 of main.c it looks like the accumulation map is
required when calculating the Strahler stream order.
in_acc_opt->key = "accum"; /* required if strahler stream order is
calculated for existing stream network */
in_acc_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
in_acc_opt->required =
It worked! I also tried it without changing the spatial extent of the map and
it worked. So, I just needed to set the null values to zero.
Thanks for the patience,
Justin Jent
View this message in context:
I also tried that by first setting the region equal to the elevation map and
then using r.mapcalc to create a new accumulation map. Both the elevation
and accumulation maps have the same spatial extent and resolution, but I
still get the error.
I believe that the flow accumulation grid was produce
Thank you for the replies. I set the region to the flow accumulation map, and
I still received the error though. Here is the region output for both the
elevation and flow accumulation maps
GRASS 6.4.1 (NAD83_GRS80_LCC):~ > g.region -p rast=elev_cm@hydrology
projection: 99 (Lambert Con
I am trying to use r.stream.extract with the National Hydrography Dataset
Plus, which includes elevation, flow direction and flow accumulation maps. I
recently read the paper by Jasiewicz and Metz that states, "...network
modeling is based on accumulation maps that are created internally or
Hi Tom,
I'm not sure if this helps you, but I have GRASS7 running on Ubuntu 11.04
and this is where python-wxversion is located on my machine.
justinjent@ubuntu:~$ locate wxversion
The other day I installed version 6.4.1RC1 on mac os x. I get the following
error when I try to import import files. I have both the complete GDAL
frameworks 1.7 and 1.8 installed on my computer. I went back and reinstalled
version 1.7 and reinstalled GRASS, but I keep getting this error. A