Hi Jamille,
just for couriosity. How many columns holds the vectorset?
In fact from a database perspective I would rather choose to keep only
geometry-related data or metadata direct with the vectorset. Concerning the
column names I would suspect there rather should be a bunch of attribute tabl
Hi Ken,
unfotunately i have not tested that so far, but outside grass I used virtual
raster many times for this purpose. You might try to harness r.buildvrt to
combine different raster-layer (or have a look for GDAL .vrt-files). So i use
this to keep smal raster files but get large combined exte
Give it a try. ps.map is not that complicated. The manual page even offers an
out of the box template for instant results (just scroll to the end).
And if you get familiar with that tool you can produce very convincing graphics
for publications, with graphically additions of your liking.
Hi Ken,
have you considered using ps.map?
> Ken Mankoff hat am 29. Januar 2019 um 08:43 geschrieben:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to generate a vector graphics file (PDF, but EPS or PS is fine)
> from the GRASS CLI. I'd like to ha
Hi Alessandro,
it would be great, if you also comunicate the actual solution, i.e. the proper
"g.list"-command, or where you made the mistake. The mapcalc-call seems not to
bee what caused the troubles. If someone runs into the same trouble as you, he
would have the right hint immediately.
Hi Alessandro,
actually, I have no experience and no idea of the scripting modul of grass. But
I believe you need something like this:
script.core.list_strings(type, pattern=None, mapset=None, exclude=None,
List of elements as strings.
Returns the output from running
if you just copy-pasted you code, then it seems the third Module-call is not
indented, i.e. is not executed in the loop.
> francesco sapienza hat am 20. November
> 2018 um 04:21 geschrieben:
> Hello!!
> I'm trying to run a loop to cross validate my IDW surfaces. The
Hi Alessandro,
seems you oversaw a typo:
gscript.run_command ("v.to.rast" , input = "road_clip" , type = "line" ,
where ="type"=typ , output = types, use = "attr" , attribute_column = "cat")
where ="type"=typ schould rather be where ="type=%s"%typ
> Alessandro Sebastiani
Hi Rich,
to connect the database tabel to your map you have to specify the postgres
connection with v.db.connect as well:
v.db.connect map=stations driver=pg
database="host=localhost,dbname=willamette-river-hg" table=
Consider that the have to be different from the name of the
mapset, i
Hi Rich,
if you use a postgres database (driver=pg) you have to specify the full
connection string to the database. You can see this in the manual for
db.connect (look for PostgreSQL):
db.connect driver=pg database="host=myserver.itc.it,dbname=mydb"
I.e. if the db is on your local machin
Hi Rich,
are there any entries in the table with bin_col is empty, i.e. null? I am not
sure in this context, but I know from other cases that database driver failed
in recognizing the datatype of a field while checking the first dataset in the
table and the field was not set (i.e. null).
Hi Rich,
do you still have trouble filling the columns? You probably should give also
the type of the feature for the query, like type=point.
v.to.db map=stations op=coor like type=point col=easting,northing units=meters
If this is not successfull you might have to (re)build topology (v. cl
The reason I ask is because you have to configure authentication and enable
remote access to connect to the database from an application. For me I had to
do that to use PG with GRASS.
psql connects via trusted connection because user postgres connects to the DB
from local machine. Postgres conne
is it possible to connect to the DB with PGAdmin?
Resp. is remote access enabled?
> Rich Shepard hat am 31. Oktob
you might try to add the following line in before the call of g.gui.tplot in
your script:
setenv DISPLAY /dev/null
This sends the gui to nowhere and is not visible and destroyed imediately hence.
> Margherita Di Leo hat am 12. Oktober 2018 um 10:39
> geschrieben:
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