Hi all,

I have been running into problems with R on one of my Vista machines. In both cases I am running GRASS 6.4.0 (installed by the online OSGeo4W installer) on Vista machines. However, on one of those two computers, I get to the screen where choose the location etc., however, once I decide to start GRASS, I get the following error:

"Error setting region (Problem with g.region?):"

When I then click OK, I get the following message:

can't read "prj(units)":no such variable
  while executing
"set mapunits $prj(units)"
  (procedure "MapCanvas::get_mapunits"line25)
  invoked from within
  (procedure "MapCanvas::currentzoom"line10)
  invoked from within
  (procedure "MapCanvas::coordconv"line23)
  invoked from within
  (procedure "MapCanvas::create"line68)
  invoked from within
  (procedure "GM::startmon"line11)
  invoked from within
  (procedure "GM::create"line79)
  invoked from within
  (procedure "main"line30)
  invoked from within
  (file "C:OSGeo4W/apps/grass/grass-6.4.0svn\etc\gm\gm.tcl"line566)

Can anyone tell me why this would be happening (only on one computer but not another), or otherwise suggest to me what could maybe be done to get GRASS working?

Thank you for your help!

~ Anke
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