Dear Hamish and all

I succeeded in the compilation from the source of grass.

lubuntu 11.04

Because the error was output with configure, final script is as follows.

./configure --with-tcltk-includes=/usr/include/tcl8.4/ --with-proj-share=/usr/
share/proj --with-sqlite --with-geos

g.extension operated, and d.barb was also installed. 

The compilation was the first experience for me. The homepage of grass was pro

I wish to express my gratitude to Mr. Hamish. 
Thank you. 


Yasuo shimada ( Japan weather association )

----- Original Message -----
>Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 14:33:12 +0900 (JST)
>Subject: Re: Why does g.extension fail...?
>Dear all
>>> if you are anxious for a solution right now, the surest way
>>> is to build GRASS from source code, and copy the addon module
>>> into the source tree after building, and `make` by hand.
>>Oh...I will try and challenge though it seems to be difficult for me the wor
>I will install 'd.barb' as following.
>Is this follow a correct ?
>My object is to install addon 'd.barb' into grass6.4.1 binary (already exists
>(1) Obtain source of grass source
>svn co svn://
>(2) Obtain source of d.barb
>svn co
>(3) extract (2), and copy 'd.barb folder' to /usr/local/src/trunk/display/
>(4) cd and sudo su
>cd /usr/loacal/src/trunk
>(4)configure and make install 'd.barb' only..
>./cofigure --target=d.barb
>make libs
>make MODULE_TOPDIR=/usr/lib/grass64/
>It feels sorry also because I am a beginner of linux....
>Yasuo shimada ( Japan Weathe Association )
>----- Original Message -----
>>Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 10:57:26 +0900 (JST)
>>Subject: Why does g.extension fail...?
>>Dear grass users
>>I succeeded in installing d.barb the other day.
>>Because d.barb was very wonderful addon, I tried installing to other PC. 
>>However, I fail in the installation....
>>I tried on the following conditions. 
>>(Case 1) ubuntu11.04 wubi version on Windows7
>>---> Success
>>(Case 2) ubuntu10.04 vmware version on Windows X
>>---> failed
>>(Case 3) lubuntu11.04 vmware version on Windows 7
>>---> failed
>>In Case 2 and 3, the same error message is output as follows.
>>The log might not be read easily for you in a Japanese mode... 
>>--- begin message ---
>>GRASS 6.4.1 (newLocation_5):/home/shimada > g.extension extension=d.barb
>>Fetching <d.barb> from GRASS-Addons SVN (be patient)...
>>A    d.barb/legend.c
>>A    d.barb/local_proto.h
>>A    d.barb/main.c
>>A    d.barb/description.html
>>A    d.barb/grid.c
>>A    d.barb/Makefile
>>A    d.barb/points.c
>>A    d.barb/draw.c
>>U    d.barb
>>リビジョン (revision )46793 をチェックアウト(checkout)しました。
>>Compiling <d.barb>...
>>/usr/lib/grass64/include/Make/Grass.make:418: 警告(warning): ターゲット(targ
>>) `/usr/lib/grass64/bin' へのコマンド(command)を置き換えます(replace)
>>/usr/lib/grass64/include/Make/Grass.make:409: 警告(warning): ターゲット(targ
>>) `/usr/lib/grass64/bin' への古いコマンド(old command)は無視されます(ignore)
>>make: `/usr/lib/grass64/dist.i486-pc-linux-gnu' に対して行うべき事はありませ
>>Installing <d.barb>...
>>You need to enter the root password next to install d.barb:
>>/usr/lib/grass64/include/Make/Grass.make:418: 警告(waring): ターゲット(targe
>>`/usr/lib/grass64/bin' へのコマンド(command)を置き換えます(replace)
>>/usr/lib/grass64/include/Make/Grass.make:409: 警告(warning): ターゲット(tage
>> `/usr/lib/grass64/bin' への古いコマンド(old command)は無視されます(ignore)
>>/usr/bin/install -c  /usr/lib/grass64/bin/d.barb /usr/lib/grass64/bin/
>>/usr/bin/install: `/usr/lib/grass64/bin/d.barb' を stat できません(can not):
>>o such file or directory
>>make: *** [install] エラー 1 (error 1)
>>エラー(error):  Installation failed, sorry. Please check above error message
>>---- end of message ---
>>I don't understand that though there is '/usr/lib/grass64/bin/', error messe
>> 'can not stat' output..
>>I tried all cases by user and root(su).
>>I changed to permission of '/usr/lib/grass64/' from read only to read and wr
>>e . Of course, 
>>I also corrected two make files in all casees;
>>I want you to give profitable information by all means...
>>Or, please teach other installation method. 

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