Hello everyone,
I actually have a simple need, but it seems to be more difficult to get in 
place... That's why I need you :D 

 I'm sending my Windows serveur logs via NXLog (GELF Format) and my linux 
based OS logs via Rsylog.

The goal is, in few words, to check if there is log-on and log-off times 
outside a defined timing ( for example 6h to 22h ). But i don't know how to 
do that... I tried to apply a filter to my search regarding to the 
Timestamp, but I don't understand how I get this kind of timestamp : 
It is automatically translated in "YMDH" by the Graylog system, but I can't 
apply filters on that field like this, because I don't get exactly how it 

 I was thinking about a syntax like that on the Graylog search query :
timestamp:2016-11-02T13:51:04.659Z TO 2016-12-02T13:51:04.659Z
But the "TO" is not existing, and for sure I don't even know how to apply 
this range, and how to define it from the timestamp.

>From a GELF Windows log, i also have the "EventReceivedTime" field, more 
comprehensive for my human eyes :

2016-10-21 15:50:33

But this field it not present on my Syslog logs. That's why I wanted to 
work on the timestamp instead of the EventReceivedTime.

If you have any idea to define this time range, feel free to share :D 

Thank you !

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