graylog 2.0.2  / elasticsearch 2.3.2 
RHEL 6.8

So I have followed the graylog https setup  here 
http://docs.graylog.org/en/latest/pages/configuration/https.html and 
followed along to create a keystore, creating a self-signed cert and 
converting it to PKCS5 and exporting it out to a cert and key in use for 

However, the issue faced is that the final key step is generating a file 
which looks invalid, presumably because the interim pkcs5 key step is not 
working. Can someone point me to what mistake I'm making and how to fix it? 

On side topic, I'm using haproxy load balancer with ssl pass through. 
((using it with ssl termination on load balancer failed as Firefox, Chrome 
etc. all complain about mixed content and I get the "
Server currently unavailable

We are experiencing problems connecting to the Graylog server running on... 


So I think I can only get proper ssl working if I do ssl end to end via ssl 
passthrough on load balancer. 


Here's the log of steps followed - 

    create keystore for graylog - gen key and import into a new keystore
01. keytool -genkey -alias graylog-web01 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 
-validity 1000 -dname "CN=graylog-web01" -keystore 
graylog-web01KeyStore.p12 -storepass XXXX -storetype pkcs12 

02. keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass "XXXX" -destkeypass "XXXX" 
-destkeystore graylog.keystore -srckeystore graylog-web01KeyStore.p12 
-srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass "XXXX" -alias graylog-web01

     create a self signed cert 
03. openssl req -x509 -days 365 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout 
pkcs5-plain.pem -out cert.pem

      convert key to pkcs8 format 
04. openssl pkcs8 -in pkcs5-plain.pem -topk8 -nocrypt -out pkcs8-plain.pem

      convert keystore above to PKCS12 format so openssl can work with it
05. keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore  graylog-web01.keystore 
-destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12

     get the cert to use
06. openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nokeys -out graylog-certificate.pem
     cat graylog-certificate.pem 
Bag Attributes
    friendlyName: CN=graylog-web01
    localKeyID: 54 69 6E 66 20 31 34 36 39 34 36 37 35 37 39 33 32 30 

      get the key to use
07. openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nocerts -out graylog-pkcs5.pem

   This is where the issue is - the pkcs5 key file doesn't seem to contain 
the actual key. I was expecting to see "----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----" line in 
the file below 

cat graylog-pkcs5.pem

Bag Attributes
    friendlyName: graylog2
    localKeyID: 54 69 6E 66 20 31 34 36 39 34 36 38 35 35 32 30 33 36 
Key Attributes: <No Attributes>

but the file ends right there above at "Key Attributes" line. 

08. Consequently, this fails - 
openssl pkcs8 -in graylog-pkcs5.pem -topk8 -out graylog-key.pem
unable to load key
140626096863048:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start 
line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY

09. I understand that after this step 08 works above I still need to 

cp -a "${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/cacerts" /path/to/cacerts.jks
keytool -importcert -keystore /path/to/cacerts.jks -storepass changeit -alias 
graylog-self-signed -file cert.pem

to import this into the local JVM Trust store and point to it by adding these 
to the graylog-server GRAYLOG_SERVER_ARGS in /etc/sysconfig/graylog-server
(or JAVA_OPTS in /etc/init.d/graylog-server)


and then restart graylog-server and it will be SSL ready. 

Where is the error happening? Does anyone have a straightforward list of 
steps to follow to get this working?

I have 2 graylog-web front ends in a cluster so I'm assuming in step 09 
above I need to add the cert from both graylog-web servers. 


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