Dear friends,


We are having our next Dialogue on Climate Change on October 22nd Saturday
in Govt. IASE (Govt.Training College), Thrissur, within Govt. Model Boys
Compound, Palace Road Thrissur from 10am to 1pm. S Anitha, environmental
educator and researcher will speak to us on Climate Change and Oceans.Please
see a note below.

Please come with your friends.

Spread the word.

See you soon


K C Santhosh Kumar

For Organisers(MAYA and GAIA)


The Earth would only have to move a few million kilometers sunward or
starward- for the delicate balance of climate to be destroyed. The Antarctic
icecaps would melt and flood all low lying land or the oceans would freeze
and the whole world would be locked in eternal winter.Just a nudge in either
direction would be enough.

Arthur C.Clarke

Rendezvous with Rama


The Oceans have held the imagination and fear of human mind since time
immemorial. That life first originated in the organic aqua realm of the
Earth is as fascinating a realization that we are actually a water planet
with three fourths being covered by saline water. The diversity of life
forms in the ocean with the multitude of wonderful and life sustaining
ecosystems and habitats has been the mainstay for human life too. We have
come to include the ecosystem services of oceans other than the most
palapable ones like food source and livelihood security for many communities
in our knowledge base. This has stemmed out of the realization that abuse of
oeans by human kind has reached unprecedented proportions with far reaching

Though the changes that we have been observing are at times attributable to
normal and natural ones, are we really convinced that it is fine to be
subjected to such changes? What do coastal erosions during each monsoon tell
us? What did the fearful waves of Tsunami that rushed in unexpectedly etch
in our collective memory? What do diseases and lack to access to fresh water
and proper sanitation in the coastal areas that have become standard news
makes us aware? How is it that after so many years of development and
pouring of funds.the 222coastal hamlets along the 590 km coastline of Kerala
the coastal populations remain impoverished and underdeveloped?

The changes that happen now are too sudden, intense, quick and damaging. All
the steady, predictable familiar elements in our world are changing.In its
place we have hotter summers, less or more rains, failure of crops and
violent storms…all of this has been put under a common name Climate change

We know that the mighty oceans play a huge role in mitigating and
controlling climate change.Can we take a cue from the coastal communities
and small island people who have many a story to tell us about adaptation
and mitigation.Are we willing to listen to them? People from Lakshadweep,
Alapad, Valiathura and Maldives have shared their life in connection with
Change and the impact on ocean world and livelihood.

Can we take a cue from them and look inward ?

This is an attempt in understanding Oceans as a wonderful biome and its
strange and powerful role in keeping the climate of the Earth steady so that
life can exist here.

Let us give it a try… combine science, technology and human wisdom with
our own observations to make the world a better place to live in!


Based in Trivandrum since her post graduation in Ecology,Anitha has been
involved in ecological education especially in Lakshadweep and other coastal
areas. For more details see

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