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From: shabir <reachsha...@rediffmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 2:06 PM
Subject: Kerala Muslims as the Nava Panchamas ?
To: "agniv...@vsnl.com" <agniv...@vsnl.com>

*Kerala Muslims as the Nava Panchamas ?*

By: Shabir Khan

The past one week has vividly displayed the growing anti-Muslim worldview
of a large section of the media and the entrenched communal elements in the
state, proving Swami Vivekananda right once again in his alluding of Kerala
as a lunatic asylum. This has got nothing to do with the political
ambitions of the Muslim League which is corrupt like any other political
party, self-serving and utterly stupid in understanding the social dynamics
or in responding to them.

NSS, BJP, a section of the Congress and the casteist media have anointed
Muslims as the Nava Panchamas, the neo-untouchables, in the communal
ambience generated by the opposition to the Muslim League demand for a one
more ministerial berth. If we count the ministries of both the political
fronts since the formation of the state, the share of Muslims who comprise
26 percent of the population has been less than 14, which represents a
negation of the founding principle of the Constitution: equality. And
Muslims have sacrificed millions of lives since the beginning of the
19thcentury to fight the colonialists, and particularly during and
the First War of Independence. And Muslims boycotted the British education
and the colonial language as a mark of political protest. And they suffered
not just from the ruthless onslaughts of the colonialists but also by
exclusion from public life, as British education and English language came
to dominate the public life, more so in the post-Independent period. This
has subsequently been alleged as refusal to join the mainstream- a classic
case of blaming the victims.

This parade of ironies continues for Muslims. The media advocating for the
Hindus have carefully submerged the fact that League was negotiating with
its UDF partners as a constituent party with 20 MLAs; if Congress with 38
MLAs can have 11 ministers isn’t it fair that the League with more than
half that number of MLAs should have at least half that number of ministers
? And about the level of representation of communities, how can one dare
refuse the right of over a quarter of the population to be adequately
represented while the Nair community constituting about 13% of the
population has four ministers and the speaker. And, although about 27% of
the Congress membership in Kerala is Muslims, no central minister has been
selected from this community, neither in the current UPA govt or the
previous Congress govts with the singular exception of Shri A A Rahim. None
of the governors appointed from Kerala is from the Muslim community either. How
skewed is the communal balance, one needs to seriously contemplate. This
amounts to discrimination, in glaring violation of the founding principles
of the Constitution, namely equality and fraternity.

The State has multiple arms including the political executive, bureaucracy,
judiciary, police… and the fourth estate too as the media would like to
describe itself as. Historically Muslims have been grossly neglected in all
segments of the state. In a democratic, multicultural society founded on
the hallowed ideals of equality and fraternity it is a berth right of every
citizen to feel included and represented. The multicolored rainbow that
Kerala is must reflect in its public spaces this brilliant rainbow and not
a monochromatic caricature. What I am referring to is the all powerful
bureaucracy that runs our affairs. It is shocking that none of the 40
secretaries of govt is from the Muslim community, keeping it as
untouchables, excluding it from the governance of the state! Yes, the issue
of communal imbalance is central to our socio-political discourse, as it
had been since the Malayali memorial. By expelling the ‘foreign’ Brahmins
from govt service, new savarna caste has taken over and dominated
government jobs and they refuse to democratize governance by playing every
game to keep out the under-represented. And if we have a civil service that
does not reflect the multi-cultural attribute of the society, there must be
something gravely wrong in the system that deliberately fails the
Constitutional objectives.

And even when there is no single Muslim among the 40 plus government
secretaries who truly rule the state, there is no alarm raised. No
government at any time has paid attention to this gross under
representation either. There are 3 secretaries directly appointed by the
govt- law, legislature and science & technology- but even here the
successive govts purposefully ignore the need to use these for at least
marginally compensating for the communal imbalance. Since one third of the
IAS, IPS and IFS are recruited from the state service based on the state
govt recommendation, that gives one other opportunity for the amelioration
of this imbalance but the successive govts pay absolutely no heed to this
call. And this imbalance seldom comes up for discussion; the ‘dead horse’
does not care about these things either. How many experts from the Muslim
community has been nominated as members of the Planning Board- now, in the
past ministry and in the entire history of the Planning Board? Once again
you find shocking communal imbalance, outright discrimination,
institutionalized exclusion of the under-represented minority.

The picture in the autonomous institutions funded by tax money but
recruitments are made in arbitrary manner is shockingly the same. Take for
example the case of organisations like Centre for Management Development or
Kerala Institute of Local Administration, both of which have been under
Muslim League rule for a large part of their life- there is hardly any
Muslim representation. Will the champions of communal balance count how
many attendants and drivers the seven research institutions under the
science and technology department have? Hardly any. There is apartheid
against Muslims in these institutions that are in shambles going by
independent professional opinion. Shouldn’t we have our institutions
reflecting the wonderful plurality of our society. How about the Energy
Management Institute or the Institute of Management in Government, just for
some more example. Appointments in such institutions are done on the
recommendation of the kind of communal organisations where ministers and
opposition leaders go and queue up for audience. A total failure of the
democratic polity. And yet nobody talks about these even in these days of
imbalanced talk. Nobody even talks about instituting legitimate recruitment
guidelines for the autonomous institutions under the government or on the
pressing need to hand the recruitment responsibility to the PSC. The Dalits
and Adivasis are also equally untouchables in these institutions. It isn’t
any different in the appointment of members and recruitment of staff in the
umpteen cultural bodies.

The media, the so called fourth estate, on which a lot of public money is
spent- from subsidized imported newsprint to free bus/train travels for
journos, is where this systemic exclusion is glaring. The four main print
media belong to or are run by Nair, Ezhava, Christian and Muslim castes. Of
these only the one run by Muslims have reasonable representation of other
communities, while the ones owned/run by other communities hardly take on
board Muslims. We don’t have a single Robin Jeffry in our state to talk
about this. And the schools and colleges run on government money and owned
by communities- here again there is gross exclusion of Muslims, not even
attendants or sweepers from Muslim community are found in the colleges run
by NSS that is now agitated about communal imbalance. In sharp contract we
could challenge NSS leaders to go and see how balanced are the few publicly
funded educational institutions run be Muslims. Communal imbalance is
indeed the perennial issue here, our democracy must sit up and address the
problem, instead of bringing forth khap panchayats to rule the state.

As John Lennon has said they will provoke us in all possible ways, it is in
our cause to refuse provocations of any sort, “because once they have got
you violent, then they know how to handle you”. And we need to be alert
about violence that would be generated by them to discredit us. For our
strength is the Constitution of India, which they dislike or hate for it is
founded on equality which they cannot accept, and it has founded a Republic
and not a kingdom to be ruled by the former servants of the British regime,
for it is democratic giving right unto the last citizen to participate in
the governance of the country, for it is secular that rejects the imaginary
and human gods any role in statecraft. And this Constitution is often
violated with impunity including those whose job it is to uphold it. And
upholding this Constitution we must seek justice. The current environment
vitiated by communal forces and casteist media must be purified through
alternative campaigns and more importantly by seeking through litigation in
the courts and complaints to statutory bodies like the Human Right/
Minority Commissions, Press Council of India, etc on the recent public
statements against the Muslim community by caste leaders and casteist media
outlets. We must also nationalize the issue, for, there are public
intellectuals and activists outside the state who hold a worldview based on
a sense of justice and secularism, unlike the sponsored ones we have in
Kerala. We must also disseminate information, especially among the
unsuspecting Hindu brethren (for they are misled by the casteist media),
about the gross inequality within the system as vividly brought out by the
Sachar Committee Report and the Narendran Committee Report, among others.

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