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From: <peter...@indiatimes.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 11:00 AM
Subject: Ecologist seeks adequate compensation to endosulfan victims
To: hu

just as we talk of ban we must also talk of compensation/reparations which
is currently missing. thanks s faizi for raising this issue

Ecologist seeks adequate compensation to endosulfan victims

Roy Mathew
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Ecologist S. Faizi, who was member of the Plachimada High Power Committee,
called for measures to pay full compensation to the victims of endosulfan in
Kasaragod district on Tuesday.

In a statement here, Dr. Faizi said that while it was heartening that the
entire Kerala is aligned against the endosulfan scourge, it was important
not to miss the need to pay adequate compensation to the victims based on
the universally agreed polluter pays principle.

“The Plantation Corporation of Kerala who has recklessly used the deadly
insecticide for years disregarding public protests, the Hindustan
Insecticides Ltd and other manufacturers who were producing and marketing
this toxic substance without disclosing its fatal effects on human beings
must immediately and unconditionally provide compensation to the relatives
of the deceased victims and to the surviving victims. “

The Kerala government who owns the Plantation Corporation, he said, should
immediately take action in this regard; the Corporation need not source
funds for this from outside but distribute its land in Kasaragod district to
the victims. The Corporation holds 2292 hectors of land in the district, and
this must be handed to the victims where they can build a new life, if at
all that is possible, after detoxifying the land.

The government, he continued, should take immediate legal measures to elicit
compensation from endosulfan manufacturers. All legal options including the
creation of a tribunal on the model of Plachimada should be considered.

*Stockholm Convention:*

Dr. Faizi said that it was unfortunate and embarrassing that Indian official
delegation was fighting its people at the ongoing fifth meeting of the
Conference of Parties (CoP) to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent
Organic Pollutants. “The arguments the Indian official delegation is trying
to make are silly, ridiculous and run against the letter and spirit of the
treaty as well as mocking the Indian Constitution. If India is not ready to
join the consensus, the CoP decision must be made by voting and the Rules of
Procedure of CoP does provide for that.

“India's criticism of the POPRC (Persistent Organic Pollutants Review
Committee of the CoP) recommendation is totally invalid as there is mounting
evidence from different countries to support the ban, if the deaths and
sufferings in Kasaragod are not enough. India’s call for the promotion of
voluntary measures, rather than ban, runs against the spirit and letter of
the legally binding treaty and mocks the Indian Constitution that obliges
the government to respect and implement its international treaty

He also expressed deep concern about the delay in getting the Presidential
assent to the Plachimada Coca-Cola Victims Relief and Compensation Claims
Special Tribunal Bill that was passed by the State Assembly on February 24.
Unless the government and the Opposition are alert there was every
likelihood that the Cola company could manipulate the establishment in Delhi
to sabotage the law, the same way as the pesticide lobby is playing the
endosulfan game.

Keywords: Endosulfan victims <http://tilmb18.indiatimes.com/zimbra/h/#>,
compensation <http://tilmb18.indiatimes.com/zimbra/h/#>, Stockholm
Convention <http://tilmb18.indiatimes.com/zimbra/h/#>

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