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From: Nagraj Adve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 24, 2008 8:07 PM
Subject: urgent statement on Kashmir


Please forward this statement widely, and particularly to press people
that you may know.
Nagraj (PUDR)


Civil liberties organizations demand lifting of curfew in Kashmir
Many journalists beaten up

24 August 2008

The declaration of curfew in ten districts in Jammu & Kashmir from 4
am today is untimely. The Valley has just recently returned to some
degree of normalcy, and people have been able to peacefully gather and
voice their demands. None of these gatherings have been accompanied by
violence. We have been witness to many peaceful protests in four
districts visited by us over the last two days and there has been no
threat of violence.

We have reliable information that at least four journalists have been
beaten up by the security forces. These include Mr Bilal and Mr
Muzaffar of Sahara Samay, and a cameraman from ETV. These journalists
told us that as many as 34 journalists have been beaten up during the
curfew today. It is difficult confirm this number since the curfew
prevents any physical movement. Journalists are not being allowed to
report the situation.

Contrary to the perception that the imposition of curfew is meant to
prevent violent confrontation, the present curfew threatens to start a
violent confrontation — because it would attempt to prevent the
peaceful gathering in Lal Chowk in central Srinagar tomorrow (Monday),
and because the curfew would give security forces the power to use
force against people who attempt to proceed towards the venue. It
would create a confrontation that can easily be avoided.

We appeal to the central government to intervene without delay to
ensure the lifting of curfew to enable normal political process and
prevent any further loss of life.

Sharmila Purkayastha, Harish Dhawan, Paramjeet Singh
(People's Union for Democratic Rights)

Professor Babiah, Professor Ramaswamy
(Progressive Democratic Front, Karnataka)

Mr Raghunath
(Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee)

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