[The desperation to come back to power is all too evident. (And going back
to armed revolt is no option.) But that's not going to be easy, as it


*‘We will lead a government soon’*

Prerana Marasini

*If the Interim Constitution is trampled upon and the country is pushed
towards confrontation, people will revolt. Our party will try to take the
lead, saysPrachanda.'

*The Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has been protesting since May
against President Ram Baran Yadav (who had reinstated then Army Chief
Rookmangud Katawal) with a demand for the restoration of civilian supremacy
in Nepal. The major Opposition party’s continuous obstruction of the
legislature parliament has affected the constitution-writing process but the
Maoist Chairman,* *Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’* *, says his party will
not be responsible if the constitution is not drafted on time. Excerpts from
Mr. Prachanda’s interview to *The Hindu:
How far have you reached in restoring civilian supremacy in the last couple
of months?

In the initial phase, the major political parties of this government were
very negative. At this juncture, I feel the parties have realised that
moving forward without addressing the Maoists’ demands is not just not right
but also impossible. They have started to realise that without the Maoists’
participation, neither can the constitution be prepared nor can the peace
process be completed. They are, therefore, trying to forge a consensus.

Lately, there have been intense discussions among the parties to introduce a
common proposal to address our demands. Although I don’t think this proposal
would be finalised soon, the process is taking a positive direction
So how much do people know about civilian supremacy?

We had a host of nationwide programmes in these months. Thousands of people
showed up and listened to us intently. What people have understood is that
there is a conspiracy by those who lost in the elections to isolate the
Maoists — the party that was voted the largest. This, they know, is not
civilian supremacy. This is how they have understood it.

[So nothing less than Maoist supremacy can be considered as "civilian
supremacy". The Maoists had polled 30% of votes cast in the CA election, by
the way.]
Were your protests, which involved showing black flags to the President, the
Prime Minister and the Ministers and throwing stones at their vehicles,
reflective of a creative opposition?

It is against our policy and programmes to throw stones, which happened at
some places and we are sorry about it. Overall, we carried out peaceful
protests. We don’t think the impact of these protests were negative.
You met President Ram Baran Yadav on Wednesday and you said the talks were
positive. Can we say your protests were not effective enough and that is why
you had to meet the President personally?

Quite the opposite. All our protests of boycotting their programmes and our
mass assemblies had an effect on the political parties, organisations, and
individuals which led to the belief that it was not right to isolate the
Maoists. And in that atmosphere, I met the President. So our understanding
is that as a result of our protests, that atmosphere was created.
What did you discuss with the President?

I used to have good interaction with him when I was leading the government.
I had not met him after my resignation. [During the meeting] we exchanged
our views on why things changed in the later stage. I said: “I hadn’t
imagined that you would take a step against the norms of interim
constitution and reinstate the Army Chief. Since you were not satisfied with
the decision [to sack him], I rather thought you would send me a letter
asking me to reconsider the decision. And in case I did not do that, you
would probably ask the Court to look into the matter but you completely
reversed the government’s decision.” I also told him that the maximum I
expected from the political parties was a no-confidence motion and I was
prepared to face it. I had not imagined that they would approach the
President to fail the Maoists and request him to take an unconstitutional
What did the President say?

He said: “I did not take the step under pressure from anyone. The situation
was becoming difficult, and as a way to stop it, I dodged your step. But my
intention is not to go on like this forever. I am ready to do anything to
have a consensus. Maoists are the major strength and that you yourself
should come forward.” In conclusion, he said the present stagnation should
be broken. I informed him that the parties were trying to forge a consensus
and in case no consensus was gathered, I would meet him again.
Does the President want the Maoists to lead the next government then?

He did not exactly say that but as Maoists constitute the largest party, he
said it should join the government. He also suggested that he would not have
problems if we led the next government.
You have been saying since you resigned from the government that Maoists
will form a new government. When will that happen?

If you talk about the present government, it is accepted neither by the
people nor by the Maoists, and actually it’s not functioning.
Why is it not functioning?

Because the public does not have faith in it. You see the majority of the
leaders of the ruling CPN-UML are against the President’s move. It is an
open secret. The government is functioning in a hypocritical manner.
But it is your party that is obstructing Parliament. If tomorrow, the
Constitution is not delivered in time, wouldn’t your party be guilty? Will
not the people’s faith be lost?

People know that Parliament is obstructed not because of the Maoists but
because of the conspiracy of those who lost in the elections, those who
maintain the status quo and the regressive elements together quashed the
interim constitution. The Maoists have not resorted to vandalism, strikes
and closures, and are still responsible. People rather question why the
parties in the government don’t try to correct the move. So they won’t blame
us. And I don’t think the Constitution will not be prepared on time as the
parties are moving ahead with a consensus. However, if this situation
persists — civilian supremacy is not restored, Maoists are compelled to
launch a movement, and the constitution is not written, the Maoists would
not be guilty.
How do you think the issue of civilian supremacy should be addressed as the
Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML don’t want to discuss the resolution?

The easiest option is to discuss the resolution and vote in the House. We
will accept even if we are in a minority as our position will be clear. If
sovereignty resides in Parliament, it will be very shameful and unfortunate
on the part of the parties that claim to be democratic not to allow the
discussions. We feel we’ll have a majority as a majority of UML leaders —
its Chairman, Vice Chairman — are against the Presidential move. In case
they issue a whip and we are in a minority, we’ll accept it. The Nepali
Congress and the UML can also declare their position. So this would be the
best option.

Secondly, we can consider a common resolution motion if it’s in a win-win

Thirdly, there might come a situation where the President will have to clear
the issue. If he puts his views across to the people, it could play a role
in addressing this issue. And finally, the interim constitution could be
amended so that the duties and authorities of the President and the Prime
Minister are clearly defined.
You’ve been saying that your party would launch a third revolution that
would be supported by the U.N. What kind of revolution is it? Would it be
against the peace deal?

We’ve been suggesting a revolution. We haven’t declared the revolution yet.

What we want to do is to show the parties in the government that the
relation between the Maoists and the people is intense, which would inspire
them to arrive at a consensus. It’s true that if a consensus is not arrived
at, we will declare a revolution.
With the U.N.’s support?

The U.N.’s support is wrongly interpreted. What we mean is that the U.N.
does not go against people’s right to revolt. It recognises people’s right
to rebel. If the Interim Constitution is trampled upon and the country is
pushed towards confrontation, people will revolt in the form of a third
revolution. Our party will also be involved in it and would try to take the
lead. This wouldn’t be opposed by the United Nations.
Would it be an armed revolt?

No, no. We’re not talking about arms now. It will be peaceful.
When will it be launched?

If there is a consensus, it won’t be needed now but if the parties don’t
give up their rigidity and try to move ahead isolating the Maoists, we won’t
be isolated. We will have to prove that we have a sea of people, and we will
declare the revolt.
Why not let the coalition government continue until a new Constitution is
written and elections are held?

This coalition is not backed by the people, it is against the spirit of
election and the Constitution, so we’ve been saying a new alliance — joint
national government — is needed with the Maoists, the largest party, in the
lead. If it’s not done, we’ll not accept.

The constitution-drafting process is associated with the peace process. The
Maoists have a 50 per cent stake in the peace deal that was signed with the
seven parties. Can there be peace, sidelining the 50 per cent stakeholder?

Only when there is consensus to form a government in Maoists’ leadership,
can a Constitution be written and the peace process will end.
So, can we see the Maoists’ government next month?

I don’t want to give a date now but that situation is developing.
How is your relation with India after resignation? You met the Indian
ambassador on Thursday?

We made it clear while resigning that we won’t bow down to any regressive,
feudal elements of the country and foreign powers that try to dictate to us.

It’s true that India played a positive role in bringing a change in Nepal by
helping us sign the 12-point agreement. But in the later stage, there were
some confusions and gaps. At this point, what I feel is India wants a
consensus built in Nepal so that the peace process successfully ends.

Through my meetings with the Indian ambassador and other Indian leaders,
intellectuals, and journalists I see a large group of Indians who believe
that the Maoists should not be isolated but should be in the government to
actively contribute to the constitution drafting and peace process. I feel
the government of India is also positive about seeing our peace process end
Is the Maoists’ relation with India — that had been cold earlier —

Yes, I feel it’s improving slowly.
Does India want the Maoists to take the lead?

Our talks haven’t reached there but probably we will talk about it. At the
moment, we are trying to forge a consensus in the country and we hope our
foreign friends including India will support us.

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