RSS Activists Attack Headlines Today News Channel
For Terror Expose

*By Bharat Bachao Andolan*

16 July, 2010




The revelations on the Headlines News channel are cause for deep concern for
the long term security of our nation. It is more than clear that members of
the RSS themselves are linked to the various acts of terror.

The tapes which are being aired clearly prove the complicity of BL Sharma
(Prem Singh Sher) who is a former BJP legislature. He is on camera
discussing the terror attacks with Lt. Col. Purohit & Bhai Dalvi (from
Maharashtra). Their plan is to crate an underground terror
organization,which they did establish, namely the Abhinav Bharat. Their
nefarious plan was to engineer a series of coordinated terror attacks across
the length & breadth of the country, during Friday prayers, killing
thousands & lakhs of Muslims. The motive is to instill a deep fear within
the Muslim masses & thus induce mass conversion back to Hinduism. Col.
Purohit reiterates that he opposes the Indian constitution. BL Sharma calls
for an all out war against the Indian Muslim community.

Thus this is a deep seated subversive conspiracy, meant to weaken & thus
demolish the very foundationsof Indian Republican Democracy, based on the
principles of Secularism, Equality & Social Justice.

Until now, the Sangh Pariwar, which includes the BJP & the RSS were trying
to manage the damaging evidence unearthed in the Ajmer, malegaon &
MeccaMasjid terror attacks in a low key manner.

But yesterdays tape thatwas partof the evidence that the CBI has in its
custody, is from the laptop of Dayanand Pandey, where all the meetings have
been visually recorded.
Our concern is that, why is there still an attempt by the Congress
government to shield the RSS?!

Why are the investigating agencies being selective about their
investigation, interrogation & arrests of those alleged to be part of
masterminding & perpetrating the acts of terror.

The NIA, CBI, IB, ATS are all working at cross purposes & there is no unity
of purpose or action in pursuing the matter to it's logical conclusion.
The very revelation that the Vice President Dr. Hamid Ansari himself was a
target for the homegrown terrorists is cause for grave concern for all our
political leaders. Yet the Delhi based doctor evades arrest, though he has
said so on a recorded video.

>From Nanded, Parbhani, Beed, Jalna, Malegaon (Maharashtra), Mecca Masjid,
Hyderabad (A.P.), Ajmer (Rajasthan), Teenkasi, RSS HQ (Tamil Nadu), Kanpur
(U.P.), Bhopal (M.P.), Modasa (Gujarat), Marmagoa as well as Sancaole (Goa),
Samjhauta Express.

They are also suspected to be involved in the Jaipur serial terror attack,
in both the Malegaon attacks, the recent terror attack in Pune. The list is
very very long & the conspiracy of terror, very very widespread with their
networks linked internationally as well. Their international financial
sources of funding have to be investigated.

The RSS pracharaks & activists - Their Linkages to the terror attacks

RSS activists like Indresh Kumar, who is a close aide of the RSS Chief Mohan
Bhagwat himself is rather indicative of the deep seated rot that exists.
Hemant Karkare had also revealed the fact that Indresh Kumar had taken Rs 3
Cr form the ISI & both Mohan Bhagwat as well as Pravin Togadia were aware of

Mr. Ram Madhav, the RSS spokesperson is still defending Indresh Kumar.

Pravin Togadia was one of the founder members of the Abhinav Bharat & this
was mentioned by Col Purohit himself, yet Togadia is still at large & he has
been given a clean chit.

Sadhvi Pragnya's role in the Malegaon blast has been exposed.

The names of Devendra Gupta & Lokesh Sharma have emerged in the Ajmer blast.

In the Samjhauta Express terror attack, the names of Sandeep Dange &
Ramchandra Kalsangra have figured as the prime accused, but yet after being
interrogated, they were let off & today there is a price on their head. Who
were the ATS officers who let them off?? Why the silence ??

The other important suspect is Sunil Joshi, who was killed in 2007. Did he
know too much?? Was he killed to cover up the RSS linkages?? This needs to
be investigated.

For the Mecca Masjid inquiry, two UP based RSS leaders, namely, Ashok Beri
(Kshetra Pracharak) & Ashok Varney, RSS activist were both questioned.

We have no details on the further course of the investigation.

In the Kanpur blast of 26 December '08, the CBI questioned the VHP Kanpur
Gen. Sec. Mr. Awadh Behari Mishra as well as an IIT Professor.

We have no details on the further course of the investigation.

In the Samjhauta blast, the CBI is complaining that the Madhya Pradesh
police is not cooperating.
Undoubtedly, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka all with BJP governments as
well as Maharashtra, centred in Pune & UP centred around Gorakhpur are the
centres of the RSS based terror networks.

The latest issue of the Outlook magazine has revealed as to how the
government & its investigating machinery as well as the media are
overwhelmingly involved in either ignoring or even subverting the

This is in stark contrast to the hyperbole when a Muslim organization or
individual is alleged to be involved.

The rising tide of terror & the political forces behind this entire devious
conspiracy area threat to our nation. Their plan is to communalise the
masses across religious lines & foment an atmosphere of fear & chaos.

It is a clear & present danger to our internal security as well as our
national sovereignty.

Thus we are utterly incensed over the silence & inaction of the Congress led
government at the centre.

We are perturbed at the selective manner in which the myriad investigating
agencies, namely the NIA, RAW, IB & our Police mechanism seeks to either
neglect the issue & indulge in tokenism.

It is clear that sections of the top leadership of the Sangh Pariwar, which
includes the RSS, the BJP as well as the VHP were all aware of the
conspiracy of terror.

We thus demand that the RSS based terror networks be investigated & banned
after being found guilty, as clearly the RSS is a threat to our nation.

We thus appeal to the Central Government to live by its oath to defend the
Indian Constitution & the sovereignty of our nation.

In Solidarity with the Indian People in our battle against Fascism,
Communalism & Terrorism

Sarfaraz Arzu, Brigadier Sudhir Sawant, Kishore Jagtap, Feroze Mithiborwala,
S S Yadav, Varsha V V, Vials Gaikwad, Aslam Ghazi, Yavar Ali Qazi, Arun
Velaskar, Ravi Joshi, Amol Madame, Jyoti Badekar, Jagdish Nagarkar,
Mulniwasi Mala, Avinash Kamble, Pramod Shinde, Sanjay Sakharkar, Lilesh,
aarti Bomkar, Pooja Badekar

*Read the news report*

*Suspected RSS workers attack TV Today

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