I'd like to submit my changes to www.tmac to the Groff project for
inclusion in the next release. I do not believe my changes break
anything, but I'd like to hear feedback from more people.

Please try moving my www.tmac (attached previously) to
/usr/share/groff/site-tmac/www.tmac and try it out on your documents.
If you haven't used the WWW package before, it is quite simple:

.URL "https://www.oeaw.ac.at/kal/agm/";  "Ancient Greek Melodies" .

Thank you,


B 9 <hacke...@member.fsf.org> wrote:
> Thank you for testing it out, Nate!
> The missing open parenthesis is a sign the www.tmac that came with groff 
> 1.22.4 is being used, not my new version. Putting it in /etc/groff/ was all I 
> needed to do to, but that may be because I'm on a Debian GNU/Linux system and 
> /usr/share/groff/site-tmac is a symbolic link to /etc/groff.
> Try putting my www.tmac in /usr/share/groff/site-tmac/www.tmac and let me 
> know if that fixes it. (It's ugly to put local files in a system directory, I 
> know, but groff doesn't seem to check /usr/local/share/groff/site-tmac/ by 
> default.)
> —b9
> Sidenote: the reason the parenthesis is disappearing is because I extended 
> the .URL macro to allow "prefix-text".
> Nate Bargmann <n...@n0nb.us> wrote:
> > I would say this is a very good first effort.
> > 
> > I do see this in the NROFF rendered by man as shown in my Mutt session:
> > 
> >    In a sentence (with punctuation surrounding) 
> >      Testing .URL in the middle ⟨https://www.amazon.com/ 
> >      Groff-book-continuing-saga/dp/B0006RO6LQ⟩) of this sentence  with  
> > paren‐
> >      theses around the linked text. 
> > 
> > One of the opening parentheses is not showing though both closing
> > parentheses are shown.
> > 
> > I see a lot of URL breaks as I have MANWIDTH=80 in my environment.
> > 
> > - Nate
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
> > possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
> > 
> > Web: https://www.n0nb.us
> > Projects: https://github.com/N0NB
> > GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819
> > 

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