
I've been using groff for generating reports which can contain screenshots with the MOM macros. I used the groff currently in the Ubuntu repos which does not include pdfmom. The eps images worked well except for the time taken to build the pdf due to the size of the eps files which are in the order of 70MB after conversion from a png of 70KB. I then discovered the -compress option in convert, only to discover that eps2 is not currently supported. I then thought that getting pdfmom will solve my problems and e-mailed Peter Shaffter and he helped me to get pdfmom working.

The problem I have now is that PDF_IMAGE does not act as a replacement for PSPIC and I want to know if the current development snapshots of groff supports eps2?

The problem I have with PDF_IMAGE is that it treats images like floats...
"Mom treats images inserted into a document with PDF_IMAGE like floats, which is to say that if the image doesn’t fit on the output page, she will defer it to the top of the next page while continuing to process running text. ADJUST is ignored whenever an image is deferred, and a message is printed to stderr advising you where the deferment has taken place. "

For my use the position of the image is critical and I can't see a way of preventing this behavior. So, maybe sticking to eps is the best idea, if there is a way to bring down the size of the eps images. Is there any way to do this?

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