Den 2018-06-06 kl. 05:01, skrev Debadutta Prusty:
Hi everyone,
I am new to gromacs and hence, this question might be naive. How does one
go about assigning charge groups while creating new monomer topologies in
.rtp files? What I gather from looking at similar posts is that the net
charge of a c
I would try to double-check with topology generators like on a short polymer chain (e.g. three
links, termini passivated by H), or do a CHELPG calculation to look at
the charge distribution within the central unit (OPLS and AMBER rely on
CHELPG charges) to get an
Hi everyone,
I am new to gromacs and hence, this question might be naive. How does one
go about assigning charge groups while creating new monomer topologies in
.rtp files? What I gather from looking at similar posts is that the net
charge of a charge group should be an integer (zero for a neutral