The implicit solvation implementation was broken with multiple threads for
quite a few years, I'm afraid. So we have removed it for the upcoming 2019
release. I strongly recommend running it with only one thread (so use
-ntmpi 1), or use the version in GROMACS 4.5.7 if you need the performance
Hello dear users!
I'm trying to set up an implicit solvent simulation of a protein in gromacs,
but I haven't found much about the details of how to do it. After generating
topology: gmx pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb (I selected the amber99sb forcefield and
none for water)
I've done an energy minimiza
I found these parameters to work:
Now I have a follow up question.
It seems that at 300K my unfolded protein chain quickly collapses into some
random conformation and more or less stays that way without much
Hi everyone,
I’m trying to run protein folding simulations with implicit solvent and the
Amber99sb-ILDN forcefield.
My problem is that I cannot get a stable simulation after energy minimization.
Either mdrun stops after lots of LINCS warnings or the simulation finishes but
the atom coordinate