Hi John,

> On 07 Feb 2019, at 21:06, John Scudder <j...@juniper.net> wrote:
> [ .. ]
>> Although not going in the ideal direction, for shorter-term I was thinking 
>> about somewhat a mix of the two solutions you propose, to work as a Charon: 
>> use a new reason code (or perhaps two, one for local terminated session, one 
>> for remotely terminated session) since, as you said in your follow-up email, 
>> it is the more conservative and would give the most hope against what has 
>> been already coded. And make this/these new reason code(s) carry "additional 
>> data [that] would be TLVized. It would obviously need to have a registry 
>> created for it” so not to make all too “expedient” and revolving around the 
>> specifics of VRF/Table Name and draft-ietf-grow-bmp-local-rib. 
> If I understand you correctly this seems fine to me. I guess the easiest way 
> to be fully clear would be to rev the draft, and then we can have a look at 
> the new text?

I contributed some text in section 5.3 (and updated IANA considerations in 
section 8), see:


Look forward to your thoughts.


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