Re: [grpc-io] Re: Python Rendezvous exception when running python server, python client and C++ client on the same PC

2019-04-01 Thread 'Lidi Zheng' via
Hi Alex, >From the log, I found the error is located at client-side. The gRPC client sends reset stream frame with error code 2 indicating internal error, and its channel state somehow becomes SHUTDOWN. Also, I tried your code in Linux, it works fine without any error. I had another failed attempt

[grpc-io] Re: C++: Unable to create new client stream if server restarted

2019-04-01 Thread yashkt via
The ClientContext object needs to be alive for the entire duration of the RPC. The scope of your ClientContext is too limited. I suggest restructuring your code such that RPC invoking function is separated from the channel state checking. Also, gRPC will automatically try to connect the channel

[grpc-io] Re: How to create Asynch streaming server to serve multiple clients (chat bot)

2019-04-01 Thread yashkt via
Hi, There would be a unique stream per call. The threading model you use will depend a lot on the application and the performance requirements. I think there is a slight confusion here about the sync and async API. In the async API, reads and writes do not block, i.e., the calls should return

[grpc-io] Client channel unusable after a network reset

2019-04-01 Thread antonsavelyev
grpc github issue: StackOverflow post: Summary: If a client channel is in a READY state and the network is disconnected, the channel becomes unusable and the clien

Re: [grpc-io] Re: Python Rendezvous exception when running python server, python client and C++ client on the same PC

2019-04-01 Thread Alejandro Villagrán
Hi Lidi, I've set those environment variables you mentioned and I've attached the log files (serverlog.txt and clientlog.txt). Since I reported this issue, I've upgrade the Python version of gRPC, so the attached log files were created with grpcio 1.19.0 Do they give you any hint as to what could