Yes, it is common in bidirectional streaming RPCs for the server to send
messages before the client ends its side of the stream. For example, the
server could respond to each message the client sends with a message,
indefinitely, without the stream ever intentionally closing.
On Mon, Jan 22, 2024
Ok got it.
I was thinking that in a bidirecttional streaming RPC, the server can start
sending out replies even before an END STREAM is received (from the DATA
frame header). So it's like, (1) the server parses one grpc length prefixed
message, (2) call user defined functions, (3) sends it [one
No. In a stream, the contents of all of the DATA frames sent in one
direction are collectively treated as a byte stream that contains
length-delimited gRPC messages, independent of the DATA frame boundaries.
In other words, any single DATA frame can contain only part of a message,
or multiple messa
Hi!, I read the grpc spec from the github but one thing isn't clear for me:
> The repeated sequence of *Length-Prefixed-Message* items is delivered in
DATA frames
Does this mean that in a streaming gRPC, a data frame must contain exactly
one grpc message? Is this enforced?
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