> Does that mean there shouldn't be any outstanding Writes / Reads when 
this function is called? Or just that there shouldn't be a call to "Finish" 
when a call to "Read" or "Write" is in progress (as in multiple threads 
competing with each other)? I didn't see a problem with an outstanding read 
when I tested (by issuing a read, closing server side, closing client side 
in parallel) this, but just wanna confirm what’s ideal.

This has to do with API usage. It is not safe to call `Finish()` when a 
`Read()`/`Write()` operation is in progress (for example, if it is an 
asynchronous operation and the tag has not yet been received from the 
completion queue.)

> Does this mean that a call to "WritesDone" before calling "Finish" is 
optional and I can just directly call "Finish" instead? If yes, in what 
circumstances would one find calling "WritesDone" before "Finish" useful?

A `WritesDone()` would result in a half-close from the client and I can 
imagine cases where a half-close from the client is useful for the server 
to know (cases where there are still more messages to be read).

> The documentation for CompletionQueue::Next 
 says that for a client-side Read, a call to Next returns not-ok only when 
the "call is dead". What all does that exactly mean? What constitutes a 
"call"? I thought it could be not-ok if the server-side or client-side is 
already "Finish"-ed or if the underlying network was compromised.

A "call" here is an RPC or a stream from a HTTP2 perspective. When `Read()` 
fails on the client, it is a good signal that the RPC has ended one way or 
another, either through a proper status received from the server or some 
error (includes network errors). This status/error would be received when 
`Finish()` is called.

> Also, is it ok to invoke ClientAsyncStreamingInterface::Finish before the 
server has sent all its messages and before a AsyncReaderInterface::Read yields 
a not-ok tag? I see that the second point in documentation 
this "Finish" instructs exactly against such a usage, but I just wanted to 
confirm if it's an illegal usage and could result in run time errors 
(assert fails) from grpc code?

It is illegal usage of the API. I'm not sure if we have asserts in place 
for this though.

> Also, what's the accepted way to close the streams when it's not 
implicitly known that no more messages are to be received from the server? 

1. Invoking `WritesDone` is just a half-close and does not mean that the 
RPC is done. 
2. Waiting for `Read()` to fail is a sure-shot way of knowing that the RPC 
is done. 
3. It's not safe to invoke `Finish()` if we don't know that we are done 
reading. I believe the call would just get stuck here but I might be wrong 
as to the observable behavior here.
If we just want to end the RPC without caring about the server's status, 
then the client can also cancel the RPC with a `TryCancel()` on the 

On Friday, June 4, 2021 at 8:42:02 PM UTC-7 Piyush Sharma wrote:

> *(Working with grpc async bidirectional streaming)*
>    1. 
>    For ClientAsyncStreamingInterface::Finish 
> <https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/bb994526ba4e92ca293d1c7ad68f52e8f676c638/include/grpcpp/impl/codegen/async_stream.h#L51>
>    and for ServerAsyncReaderWriterInterface::Finish 
> <https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/bb994526ba4e92ca293d1c7ad68f52e8f676c638/include/grpcpp/impl/codegen/async_stream.h#L965>
>  the 
>    documentation says: 
>    "Should not be used concurrently with other operations"
>    Does that mean there shouldn't be any outstanding Writes / Reads when 
>    this function is called? Or just that there shouldn't be a call to 
> "Finish" 
>    when a call to "Read" or "Write" is in progress (as in multiple threads 
>    competing with each other)? I didn't see a problem with an outstanding 
> read 
>    when I tested (by issuing a read, closing server side, closing client side 
>    in parallel) this, but just wanna confirm what’s ideal.
>    2. 
>    For ClientAsyncStreamingInterface::Finish the doc 
> <https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/bb994526ba4e92ca293d1c7ad68f52e8f676c638/include/grpcpp/impl/codegen/async_stream.h#L55>
>    says:
>    "
>    /// It is appropriate to call this method exactly once when both:
>    /// * the client side has no more message to send
>    /// (this can be declared implicitly by calling this method, or
>    /// explicitly through an earlier call to the <i>WritesDone</i> method
>    /// of the class in use, e.g. \a 
>    ClientAsyncWriterInterface::WritesDone or
>    /// \a ClientAsyncReaderWriterInterface::WritesDone).
>    "
>    Does this mean that a call to "WritesDone" before calling "Finish" is 
>    optional and I can just directly call "Finish" instead? If yes, in 
>    what circumstances would one find calling "WritesDone" before "Finish" 
>    useful?
>    3. 
>    The documentation for CompletionQueue::Next 
> <https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/bb994526ba4e92ca293d1c7ad68f52e8f676c638/include/grpcpp/impl/codegen/completion_queue.h#L164:%23L165>
>  says 
>    that for a client-side Read, a call to Next returns not-ok only when 
>    the "call is dead". What all does that exactly mean? What constitutes a 
>    "call"? I thought it could be not-ok if the server-side or 
>    client-side is already "Finish"-ed or if the underlying network was 
>    compromised.
>    4. 
>    Also, is it ok to invoke ClientAsyncStreamingInterface::Finish before 
>    the server has sent all its messages and before a 
> AsyncReaderInterface::Read 
>    yields a not-ok tag? I see that the second point in documentation 
> <https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/bb994526ba4e92ca293d1c7ad68f52e8f676c638/include/grpcpp/impl/codegen/async_stream.h#L59>
>    for this "Finish" instructs exactly against such a usage, but I just 
> wanted 
>    to confirm if it's an illegal usage and could result in run time errors 
>    (assert fails) from grpc code? 
>    Test: for not_ok_grpc_status “Finish” completes, but as even the doc 
>    states 
> <https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/bb994526ba4e92ca293d1c7ad68f52e8f676c638/include/grpcpp/impl/codegen/async_stream.h#L65>
>    the “Finish” tag never comes out (as all the incoming messages have not 
>    been read by the client) when server responds with grpc_ok which may lead 
>    to minor resource_leaks? *Can such usage lead to crashes?*
>    5. 
>    Also, what's the accepted way to close the streams when it's not 
>    implicitly known that no more messages are to be received from the 
>    server? Would it be:
>    1. Invoke 'WritesDone'.
>    2. Wait for AsyncReaderInterface::Read to yield a not-ok tag.
>    3. Finish the stream.

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